Chapter 11

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2 days later...

" So Charlotte, your telling me that Roman insulted you in the airport punched your face? " Sasha said

" Yes, that's why I have a bruise on my forehead " Charlotte said

" Oh well, I'm sorry queen but you do need revenge too " Sasha said

" Thanks but we don't have to include violence in this " Charlotte said

" Violence? Are you kidding me? You literally slapped him so why can't you attack back " Sasha said

" If I got revenge, me and Roman would be enemies and I'm sure he must be feeling guilty " Charlotte said

" Yeah, unless he lost his no more in love with you " Sasha said

" Oh my god I never thought of that " Charlotte said

" Don't say I didn't tell you but it's true " Sasha said as she walked away

" Hmm, she might have a point " Charlotte said in her head

Meanwhile at Roman's side...

" I'm at the police station, those fools are asking me questions of something that ain't my fault, this woman embarrassed me, she won't know what coming for her once I'm released soon... I just need my cousins Jimmy and Jay to come and get me out of here, this foolish woman, I'm gonna... She won't know what coming for sure I guarantee that " Roman said to himself

" You have gone crazy, talking to yourself HA!!! Nice one chubby " A prisoner said to Roman

" Shut you, I will kill you too, gimme a segaret " Roman said.

" Don't say I didn't tell ya man " The prisoner said giving Roman a smoker

Roman's P.O.V - Jimmy and Jay came and finally got me out. I drove to my home in Pensacola, Florida. I hired some thugs to go injuir Charlotte.

" So remember, attack her at night but don't kill her, she must definitely not die but I do want to see her suffer " I said

" Yes sir, but first give us our money " The thug said

" Whoa, I will only give you the money once the job is complete or else you will run away with it " I said

" So who is this woman? " They asked

" This one " I said as I gave them the photo

" Wait sir, you want us to beat up Charlotte? " The thug said

" Yes tonight, I know exactly where she's going " I said with a smile

Charlotte's P.O.V - I got in my car to Roman's house to go talk to him. I drove off to his house. I knocked on the door and he opened.

" Hi Roman, can I come in? " I asked

" No, you can tell me here " He said

" I just wanted to apologize about what happened " I said

" Apologize my foot, I can't believe her " He said in his head. " Um Charlotte, I'm sorry too for what I did " He said

" Thanks so see you tonight at Sasha's party " I said

" Wait what, Sasha has a party tonight? " He asked

" Yes " I said

" Oh okay " He said

To be continued...

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