Chapter 8

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Roman's P.O.V - I went off to the hospital to see Charlotte for the first time since the accident. I got into my car and drove off to the hospital where Dean told me to drive to. I got in from the doors and went to the reception. I asked the receptioner of Charlotte.

" Hi Sir " I said

" Hi, how may I help you sir " He said

" I'm looking for a patient here called Charlotte Flair " I said

" By Charlotte, do you mean superstar or... ?" He said

" I mean as in superstar from WWE " I said

" Are you her husband, boyfriend or... ? " He said

" Kinda her boyfriend but we are separate " I said

" Okay then, room 94 on the 5th floor " He said

" Thanks " I Said

I went up to the 5th floor to look for Charlotte and found her room number. A nerse came out and that's when I attached her attention.

" Hi is this Charlotte Flair, is this her room " I asked

" Yes, go in " She said

" Thank you " I said

I got in the room and saw her lay there looking at her phone.

" Hi Babe " I said

" What are you doing here, you never dare to show up for the past nor visit me " She said

" Look I'm sorry, I have been dealing with a lot of problems lately " I said

" So those problems are more important than me, okay tell me then, what are they? " She asked

" Well... I can't really say, it was just a small misunderstanding " I said

" See, you don't even love me, get out!!! " She said

The nerse comes in with certain papers to say something.

" Charlotte, I found results on your health and it appears that everything is okay with you, you just have a broken arm but you should be cleared to leave by tomorrow " The nerse said

" Wow thanks " Charlotte said

" But they are also some bad news though " The nerse said

" Wait what... Like " Charlotte said

" It appears you have lost your unborn baby " The nerse said

" What!!! " I said

" Wait what... Baby? What baby " Charlotte said

" It shows that you had been pregnant for 1 months and after the accident, your child has died " The nerse said

" Whoa... Wait a minute, and who exactly was the father because I haven't been in a relationship in a long time " Charlotte asked

" From DNA tests, the father is Leake Anoi'a " The nerse said

" Me? How? " I said

" I remember now, remember the other night in that hotel " Charlotte said with a sad face

" What the... Yeah I do but I don't remember me getting you pregnant or.... Well you know what I mean " I said

" Me too but it appears you did " Charlotte said

" But... I can't believe this " I said

That's all for today but I will keep you updated next time... Hope you like it ⚡

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