Chapter 12: A Quick Visit

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Y/N: All in all, yesterday was not a complete disaster!

I say that as I walked hand in hand with Amanda to our next lesson.

Amanda: You could say that, but it would have been nice to get some recognition for our efforts!

Y/N: I did warn you!

Amanda: Yet you still came!

Y/N: Like I said, I was there for insurance. Let's why I went haywire on those stupid dragon things!

My mind went back to me shooting all sorts up into the air at those things and getting severely pissed off when I didn't hit anything.

Amanda: You do need to work on what you're aiming at, but apart from that I thought you being that angry was actually kinda hot!

I blush at her words and hear her laugh at my flustered state.

Y/N: Y-yeah laugh at me all you want!

Amanda: Awww come on babe! Don't be like that! I'm just telling you the truth is all!

I smile and turn my head to look at her grinning back at me.

Y/N: Y'know that's why I love you Amanda. You just get straight to the point and don't cut corners. I feel that if I ask you anything you'd give me the most honest answer.

Amanda: I mean I might say some things that you won't like, but I will be very blunt and very honest. That's me! Quick and to the point! You're the same you know!

Y/N: I try to be! Although sometimes I do go around the long way.

Amanda: Oh well. Sometimes I think you do need to be a bit careful with people so I think I could learn that from you!

She leaned her head on my shoulder as we continued to walk. We did get a few jealous stares but I just grinned at them and winked which sent some into a blushing mess.

Not exactly the best charmer in the world but it seems that here it's a different story.

Amanda: I wish some of these girls would get the hint that the two of us are going out! The way they look at you!

Y/N: I do kinda give them a smile and a wink in response which does make them incredibly flustered. So I guess I do kinda encourage them. If they do indeed have crushes on me.

Amanda: Well that's unfortunate for them! Because I got to you first! You're mine!

Y/N: Oh yeah don't worry about it! I would never cheat on you Amanda! Number one, because I love you too much! And number two, my parents would kill me if I was to lose someone like you!

Amanda: Not if I killed you first!

She lightly punches my shoulder and puts her head on my shoulder again.

Amanda: Damn this really is a long walk! Why did one of our classes have to be on one side of the school and our next one be on the other!

Y/N: I know, but that is why they gave us a long break in between the two lessons. So we can get over there!

Amanda: True, but my legs will kill later in from all this walking!

Y/N: You do this everyday!

Amanda: Still doesn't eliminate the fact that it's such a pain to do this on a daily basis.

Y/N: True.

We continued to walk in silence for a bit until an idea pinged into my head.

Y/N: You want me to carry you or something?

Rebellious Love (A LWA Fanfic) {Amanda O'Neill x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now