Chapter 13: Dinner Date

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Amanda: Hey Y/N, I know you're very busy and all but could you please just take a moment off. Even if it is just one moment.

I was busy. Very busy. I don't really know where all of this came from all of a sudden but I have just been loaded with the same amount of work Diana usually gets.

Guess I might be getting up to her level...

Y/N: Yeah hold on. God damn! Why did they have to give me this much work?!

Amanda: It's because you're becoming like Diana! Although a little less stuck up.

Y/N: Only a little.

I turn around to see her lounging on the chair up against the wall.

Amanda: Maybe a lot less but you get what I mean! You've gotta loosen up again babe!

I have been getting a bit carried away with trying to make it up to my parents for being a nuisance to them for years.

But I did need to take time to just breathe.

Y/N: Alright yeah! I'm finishing here for now! I need a break anyway!

Amanda: Great!

She leapt up from her seat and dragged me into a hug.

Amanda: Now that I've got your attention, we should go out this weekend.

Y/N: This is a bit out of nowhere isn't it?

Amanda: What? I can't go out with my boyfriend on a Saturday?

Y/N: N-no I don't mean that!

Amanda: I'm kidding! Yeah it is a bit out of nowhere, but I'm being serious! Me and you should go out on a date!

Y/N: That sounds great! But do you know where we would go? I haven't really been paying attention when we have been in Blytonbury.

Amanda: I know a few places yeah!

Y/N: Alright if you pick the place then I'll pay! That way we both contributed!

Amanda: That seems a little cheap though don't you think? Me finding the place and then you paying. Don't you wanna split it?

I could understand what Amanda was saying but I didn't really mind forking out any money.

Especially if I was spending it on her!

Y/N: As your boyfriend, I am responsible for paying for the food on the first date! Any future dates we can split the payment.

Amanda: If your sure! And where will you even get this money anyway?

Y/N: Oh I used to work when I was back at home. I kinda just kept a hold of it for a special occasion. Guess that occasion has finally come!

Amanda: Yep!

She kissed me gently and moved her hands all over my body.

It was now just a shame that today was Monday...

This week was going to be one hell of a drag!


Y/N: Well that went faster than expected!

I woke up on Saturday morning with Amanda in my arms, wondering how the week went by so quick!

I was fully expecting it to drag out a lot, but I guess we were so busy that it just flew by!

Amanda: H-huh? What the hell are you blabbing on about this early in the morning?

I look down to see my girlfriend looking up at me with the most tired look on her face that I had ever seen.

Rebellious Love (A LWA Fanfic) {Amanda O'Neill x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now