Chapter 14: A Good Person

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Y/N: Oh god are they coming today?

Amanda: Yep! It's time for the Hanbridge's to visit!

I groan and put my chin in my hands and look away.

Amanda: What's up with you? Got a grudge or something?

Y/N: Well in a way but not really. Just have had past experiences with him.

Amanda: In what way?

Y/N: Oh you know, my Mum and Dad being the powerful magical beings they are always get involved in external things like politics. They used to meet every so often.

I can clearly remember talking to Andrew for a little while before he got swamped by girls and I slipped away.

Amanda: Oh well it's not like you'll have to talk to him anyway! You'll just be in the shadows with me!

Y/N: I hope so! Please don't jinx this!

Amanda: I can't guarantee that!

I grumble and cross my arms. I didn't want to interact with him, but knew that I probably would.

Amanda: Come on babe! Lighten up!

She kisses me on the cheek and hugs me.

Amanda: He won't see you at all!

Y/N: Ha! That's funny! I'm a boy in an all girls school! He'd have to be blind to not see me!

There was a knock on the door which opened soon after to reveal Akko and the others.

Y/N: Ah hello everyone! Come in!

Everyone piled into the room and all sat down. Not that there was anything going on, it was just nice to get together!

Y/N: So what happened to you earlier Akko? I kinda zoned out.

Akko: I have to miss out on the party because I have to perfect my metamorphosis magic!

Y/N: I wouldn't be too mad Akko! It's not like you're gonna miss out on much!

Akko: Really? But everyone is making such a big deal about it!

Y/N: It's only because they all will be drooling over Andrew! That's the sole reason they are excited! Bet he won't even bat an eyelid at any of them.

One thing Andrew was good at was ignoring all the attention he got. In a way I felt really bad for him that he was always surrounded by girls.

There were points where I genuinely thought we would be friends, but that would go out of the window real quick.

Lotte: Won't Andrew want to speak with you Y/N?

Y/N: Maybe, but I'll leave it up to him. I don't want to approach him when he might not be interested. It's been a very long time since I saw him last.

Akko: Wait, you've met him before?

Y/N: My parents were always interested in getting into politics. I say that but really it was just my Mother. My Father doesn't give a toss about that stuff. I think that's what drove them away in the end.

Lotte: I always thought that people like the Hanbridge's would not want to associate with magic anyway.

Y/N: No not at all! I'm surprised my family didn't put them off coming here! But then again, times change and he might be considering a fresh start.

Amanda: I hope that we don't have to meet them on a regular basis if I'm living with you! I wouldn't be able to stand all that stuff!

Y/N: Oh god no! I know I said times may be changing, but in my house I don't think anything will change.

Rebellious Love (A LWA Fanfic) {Amanda O'Neill x Male Reader}Where stories live. Discover now