Chapter 11

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After pulling myself together, I had decided that getting to school early was my best bet of keeping calm. After pulling out of the pack land, I attempted to navigate my way to the school, which after almost three years, proved to be incredibly difficult.

"It can't be this fucking hard!" I growled out, at no one in particular, which was quite easy to do considering I was alone in the car. Eventually, after several wrong turns and trips around the roundabout, I pulled into a parking lot that connected to the school grounds, which seemed the exact same to what I left behind almost three years ago.

Don't speak too soon

Go away Rae, not the time

I felt her anger at my words, but I didn't care. It was her impulsiveness that made me lash out at Willow. And she knew that.

After exiting the car, dragging my bag out after me, I did a quick once-over of what I was wearing, only just realising not many of these people would recognise me by face. I sighed and locked the car, walking calmly, attempting to hide my nervousness from Rae, but I knew she felt it, and tried to throw some Alpha into my stride. I smiled lightly.

Thanks Rae

Anytime Kota

As I continued walking, I picked up on a few different scents, most of which were human, except for one that overpowered the rest, one of burnt sugar, a bittersweet scent. I narrowed my eyes, searching for its cause. As I reached the front office, I gave up my search and plastered on a friendly smile, knowing the person at the desk was probably human. Walking through the doors, I was welcomed with the smell of fresh coffee and a wave of hot air from an overused heater. It was only just into autumn weather. Approaching the front desk, I locked eyes with a pleasant old lady who seemed to be filing folders with some great difficulty. I cleared my throat.

"Hello, I'm here collect my timetable and locker code" My smile was blinding, even though it was small, due to my canines being unable to retract fully. I'd had the problem for years, but it never truly bothered me. My old lady smiled in a wicked sort of manner, which I presumed was meant to be kind.

"Sure thing deary, what was your name again?" She had said it as if I was supposed to open with an introduction.

"Kota Warrin ma'am"

"Ah here we go, sweetie" I narrowed my eyes slightly at her choice of pet name, but quickly recovered, taking the papers from her wrinkled hands.

"Thank you, goodbye" She didn't get a chance to reply as I was already out the door, and down the hall looking for my locker. As I walked, I noticed the smell of burnt sugar was everywhere. I continued down the hall until I reached my locker, by this time, many other students were milling around, some chatting with friends and others doing last minute study and homework. I smiled to myself. This is high school I thought to myself, even though Rae was thinking the same thing.

As I opened my locker after fiddling with the lock for a couple moments, a shadow fell over me. I turned slowly, moving my eyes from a broad chest, to a defined face.

"Can I help you?" I said, trying to sound as friendly as possible, which was hard to do when not only one well-built male, but three stood, crowding me angrily.

"We were not informed of another rodent joining the New Rising pack" I kept my face neutral as I took in their scent. Burnt sugar. They were members of another pack in the area.

"I didn't realise my pack had to report to yours. Actually, I know for a fact that it doesn't." My voice was steady as I tried to hide the Alpha that Rae was pushing to be sensed.

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