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I ran. Bursting out of the school gym, tears in my eyes, I ran to the forest. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe they would show that, in front of my entire school, in front of my parents and the whole pack.

The whole pack saw that 

The words repeated themselves in my head, in a constant torturous loop as I ran through the thick trees. I hated it. I hated whoever showed everyone that. My head was pounding from the speed I was running at, and the screams of the pack members asking me to come back and their hidden gasps and disappointed tones didn't help.

Kota, come back.

Kota, please.

Kota, where are you going?

Kota, I'm sorry, they made me do it.

The last one made my blood boil. It was my best friend, Sarah, the one person I showed those photos to, and she betrayed me. She was the only one who knew about everything. She was the only one who saw me and Him.


I could kill him, I could do it without regret, he is the reason I can't face my pack. The reason I will forever be seen as a broken toy, a weakling. The reason my mother turned to me, then fell into my dads arms sobbing. I felt rage and sadness and humiliation balling together, making my vision go red.

Then I felt a new energy arising in my chest, and I knew what it was automatically. It's too early, I'm too young I thought to myself, careful to make sure no one else could feel it too. 

A second later, I feel my ribs crack. I stopped running and screamed in agony. Falling to the ground, I felt the shift at its fullest. It kills, make it stop! I screamed to myself, or more so, to my wolf. Screaming and clutching handfuls of dirt under myself, I pushed myself onto my hands and knees, remembering how my dad told my brother to position himself for his first change. I felt my pack speaking to me, slowly figuring out what was happening, but I didn't care, I could feel the worry and panick they were feeling from the pain I was radiating through the pack link. I tried to block them out, but the pain took over. I screamed, and soon after, I felt a howl building, and a wolf forming its presence in my mind. I soon felt my limbs strengthen and move beneath me painfully. 

Don't fight it, Kota. 

My mothers voice echoed through my mind, and I felt my tears dry up in my eyes, accepting what she was saying. I slowly allowed the rest of the change to complete without going against the pain.

It took almost half an hour for the shift to complete itself. I was breathing heavily, trying to stand on my new legs. I felt my wolf's emotions connect to mine and I sighed. Finally standing, I turned my head and looked at my new skin, or fur I should say. I was surprised to see midnight blue fur on my back, but one snowy sock on my front left paw. I sniffed, feeling my wolfs senses open up and absorb everything. I was content. 

Then the memories of why this happened like it did came crashing back.

Rage and pain took over the happiness I was feeling. The pack link was in full swing and everyone had a different reaction to what I was allowing them to feel. 

Kota, oh no...

You shifted?!?!? 

This is bad...

I growled at the last one. I turned around to see the forest I had just been through, and had an idea. I feel my wolf howl in pain at the thought, but i knew she agreed. I opened my mind to everyone i  my pack, the New Rising pack. Breathing in deeply through my larger then normal wolf nose, I prepared myself.

I'm sorry for the shame I brought to this pack. But I am leaving, and theres nothign you can do. Goodbye.

I felt the pain from my family, and I howled loudly, knowing their ears would catch the pained sound.

Then I turned and ran off. 

I, Kota Warrin, the 14 year old daughter of the Alpha of the New Rising pack, went, unofficially, rogue.

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