Chapter 1

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~~~~~~~A few years after~~~~~~~

I woke to the sound of a train. 

I jumped, the loud noises hitting my sensitive ears. Groaning, I opened my eyes to see the train that woke me go passed. I watched it until it left my vision, then I rolled onto my back. 

I'd been dreaming about wonderful things. A home, A warm bed. Material stuff like that, the stuff I left behind. I cut the thought short, knowing that it would make me think twice about what I was doing. 

I sat up and looked around at the little nest I had made last night. I normally was in wolf form these days, it made traveling easier. I sighed, knowing full well why I was human right now. My wolf, Rae, had made that call. 

Thanks for the warning I said to her bitterly. I felt her chuckle.

You were covered, I didn't see the problem Rae replied, a slightly happier tone to her voice.

I was naked all night Rae, not cool I laughed, allowing her to keep her happiest,

I knew why she was feeling so good. We were currently 100 meters from the outer border of the New Rising pack. My pack. 

She had missed it since the day we left, the day she connected her soul with mine, better known as a werewolve's first shift. I had mine when I was young, I was too young. I've known Rae for just under three years. And she's the only thing that has kept me going all this time. Shes helped me through everything, from being attacked by rogues, to almost starving. 

But it wasn't like we were just surviving for the last few years, I finished school, worked and trained myself. Fighting was second nature, and at 17, that was a unique trait to find. Being 14, almost 15 when I left home, took a huge toll on Rae, and on me. But that was going to change. 

We were going home. 

It was rare to see Rae excited, or even happy. But I was more than pleased to see how she reacted to this decision. Sure, we had never been properly cut off from the pack. The packlink was still there, but it was dull. It had been since I left our territory all those years ago. The memory was still fresh in my mind. Seeing all the disappointed stares of my pack, and the shocked ones of everyone else who saw the photos. Forget the photos. They are in the past. I thought to myself, or to Rae. It's a lot harder to tell who you are communicating with via thoughts when you've only ever talked deeply with a creature that resides within your mind.

Stop thinking so hard, it hurts my head I heard Rae's hard voice in my head. The alpha tone becoming more prominent that I ever imagined it would. Being the youngest daughter of an Alpha, normally meant I was just going to be bigger than most wolves, but without the command or dominance over them. In this case, it seemed it different. Rae was a larger wolf, larger than she should be. Her tone of voice, ever since I turned 17, has become more powerful, to the point where we scared a rogue into submission a couple of weeks back. 


Running through the side alleys of this lowly town was the last thing Rae had expected. Throw him off, we cant afford to have him catch us. Rae thought, her new voice compelling me to obey. Running out into the open space that proved we were out of town, I turned to face the rogue, ignoring Rae's protests. Growling and dropping low, I radiated dominance over the rogue. The wolf itself was a smaller kind, with light chestnut fur and a nasty snarl. He circled me, and thats when Rae got pissed.

'Enough!' Rae cried in rage. The rogue stopped and dropping its defensive pose. I fell into a stance, one I hadn't done before. I remembered seeing it everyday. It was the stance of an Alpha, of a powerful leader. The rogue whimpered, and dropping it shead low in submission, which made Rae's anger deplete. 'Shift.' I commanded after gaining access to the rogues mind.

'I can not' The rogue's voice was male, and full of youth. This rogue, I had realised suddenly, was much younger than me. 

'Shift; I demanded yet again, but to no avail. The rogue stood their ground and I eventually grew tired of hi bowed head and weak stance. Rae growled, taking over. 'Leave' She said, with more force then I had ever heard. The rogue sniffed, looked up with a wolfy grin on its face, then vanished.

Rae never told me why her voice was so controlling.

-------End Flashback-------

 Standing, I made sure there was no one around to witness the nakedness of me. You are hot, why are you worried? Rae's voice was filled with concern and pride as she spoke to me. I shrugged, not bothering to reply. She knew why. I mean, sure, I had a nice figure. Curvy body, blemish-free face and long wavy raven black hair. People stared, but it wasn't a healthy stare. They were stares full of lust, not awe. 

Not stares I wanted.

I quickly shook off the thoughts and memories of the stares and stretched. I heard a few cracks and pops from my joints, and groaned in satisfaction. Ready to go? Rae asked, a hint of disgust. She hated the sound of bone cracking and such, which is weird considering the noises my body makes during a shift. Like it was about. 

Ready I replied, preparing myself for what we were about to do. 

We will be fine, no one will remember anything Rae reassured me, trying to sound sure of herself, but she as well as I did that every one would remember me. That was the only downside to being one of the Alphas youngest pup, so any child under 16, everyone considered you family, and you were the next priority behind the Alpha and the Luna. 

For a few weeks after I left, I had to avoid territories, reason being, is because every pack within 48 hours of our pack was informed to find me, and bring me back. It was hard to avoid, but I eventually realised that it was very easy to be invisible. When you do certain things.

Rae stirred in my head, and I knew she wanted me to shift. She sometimes took control when I was like that, in a dream-like thinking state. It wasn't healthy for me to let her do that, but I could hardly control her these days. 

I didn't mind.

Lets run Rae howled excitedly. I smiled, and opened my mind to shift. It hurt a bit but not as agonising as the first time. I felt my bones move and conform to their rightful places. My vision sharpened and my wolf ears pricked up and the noises my human ones failed to pick up.

Okay, thats done. I thought, smiling as Rae beemed. Its' time to go home, Rae.

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