𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬.......

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When he reached his class, a few students were already in their or their friends' seats. He walked up to his usual seat, which was at the backside of the class,near the window.

Other students eyed him, but who cares? He placed his bag on the desk and stared down at the playground through the window.

After a while, their teacher walked in, and Sarawat stood up with other students to greet him.

The old teacher started to read out the lessons, and students who were bored,which consisted of most of the class except a few countable nerds, started yawning secretly.

After about 15minutes everyone heard a loud thud from the backside of the class, but no one was surprised. Not even the teacher, since he is used to hearing it from the day he started teaching this class. At first, the teacher was enraged and tried to fix it,but when he realized the problem was something he could not fix,he gave up.

Man looked back to see Sarawat sleeping with his head on the table. Of course, the sound was Sarawat's head hitting the desk as he fell asleep.


"Come on, P'Type, let's sit there." Man held onto his boyfriend's hand.

"Can't you see that he's not even wanting anyone around him, man? Why are you insisting?" He was not the type who expressed his emotions very easily,but Man could sense dislike in his voice.

"Of course not; how could I love someone else beside you,my only love? Please, let's go sit  there." Man insisted, and Type sighed.

Type had no chance to make a choice here,so he rolled his eyes in annoyance and followed Man, who made his way to the table where Sarawat sat alone, eating his food.

Sarawat wasn't surprised to see Man with his boyfriend taking the seats opposite to his, since Man has been doing this for a while now.

"Um, so Sarawat, do we have any English homework for tomorrow? I didn't listen to the class that much, Man asked, and his boyfriend looked at him with a'seriously' look.

Sarawat stared at his food for a while before looking up at Man.

"We had English class today?" great, he didn't even realize.

Type could never get used to how careless and absent-minded Sarawat could be in class.

"Eh nevermind. I guess you were sleeping, Man said, and Sarawat nodded once before continuing to eat his food.

Lisa was done preparing snacks for her children when she heard the front door opening and closing. She smiled and walked to the living room, where she saw Sarawat sitting on the couch.
"You're on time. I just finished baking cookies for you and Prim. How was your day?"
"Like any other day... boring,Sarawat said, and Lisa sighed.
"Have you made any friends?"
"Mom, why are you even asking when you know that my lovely brother hates making friends?" They looked up to see Prim standing at the door with a pout, and Lisa rolled her eyes at her daughter warningly, and Sarawat threw a pillow at Prim.
"Oy, oy, you two, stop." She finally had to get between the two when the siblings started a pillow fight. Yeah,  the one with whom Sarawat interacts the most is his little sister,Prim.
"Both of you go upstairs and freshen up, and then come downstairs. I'll bring your snacks", Lisa said, and Prim dragged Sarawat upstairs.


"Ah, P'Wat, there's this new boy in our school. He's nice, cute, and friendly. You can make friends with him."
"No need,Sarawat said, taking a bite from his cookie.
"Oi P'Wat, probably I'll be the only friend you'll have until you're dead. But what if I die first? What would you do if I  died?" She asked playfully.
She made sure that her mom was not hearing,because her mother hated mentioning death the most. Especially when her kids said it,even if for fun.
"I'll watch others burry you and cry for a day, and then go back to my usual life,Sarawat answered playfully, where, in fact, losing his sister is one of his biggest fears.
"You cruel human."Prim pouted and hit his arm lightly, making him chuckle.
Lisa came back to the dining room and smiled at seeing her kids. She was actually worried about Sarawat,who never had any friends apart from his sister and her.
She hoped that her son would find a good friend.

𝕄𝕐 𝕋𝔼𝔸ℂℍ𝔼ℝ [ 𝐒𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 ] [PAUSED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now