Part 4: Scavenge

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Time: 2830 hrs

Date: 31/10/20**

Location: Reading Station, United Kingdom

(Music starts)

After a couple of hour's that the group arrived at Reading they headed to the station master's office to take a good rest, and trying to comprehend all that happened. Once they finally got to piece all together, they where now asking to themselves,

"How are we gonna deal with those things?"

Then Oscar decided to speak up.

Oscar: Alright, considering those thing's are able to make military tactic's and even weaponry. I propose we should find better weapon's to defend ourselves, and also to find more food.

Prof. Daniel: That sound's like an good idea Oscar but... where exactly are we gonna get the weapon's?

Oscar: Well. I think we should scavenge around, maybe there might be another dead cop, military soldier, or armed citizen around here, IF they didn't got infected yet. Or check the houses, maybe find some sort of firearm.

Janice: Maybe we should check those apartment's that are around the station, maybe we can get lucky if we found a weapon and food, as we found that shotgun near Didcot Station.

Adley: That sound's good, i'll stay here in the station since i don't really like guns that much.

Janet: Same!

Prof. Daniel: Well, i cant risk myself. And by the way, im a teacher in a university, not a soldier.

Oscar: Then, this mean's Janice and i will scavenge around this area. While you guy's are going to stay here. We are going to leave the baseball bat here just in case, if anything goes out of hand, go and hide in the apartment's. If 3 hour's pass by and we are still not on the station, then you should get away from the station.

Everyone agreed, and Oscar and Janice set off to find weapons and food.

(Music ends)

--Meanwhile at a military base conquered by the zombies--

Half of the base was destroyed, multiple fallen building's and destroyed vehicles and attack aircraft's could be seen.

Multiple military march's could be seen.

And multiple British soldier's where captured, and where forced by the zombies to go to a 'medical' room, to peaceably, become into zomboss soldier's.

A foot soldier, Private. Mark Benett was making his way to the lieutenant general's office, to find himself with, the third-in-command - Karen Aiden.

Karen: What happened now? C'mon tell me already.

Mark: Well... remember that multiple of our troop's told you about that train going around?

Karen: So?

Mark: Well, the train stopped at Reading Station and it hasn't moved yet, shouldn't check if they are still alive or not?

Karen: I've already done that.

Mark: Oh...

Karen: What a waste of time... (she say's in a low tone). Now, get out of here.

Mark: Yes sir! i- i mean ma'am!

Mark proceeds to leave the office.

Karen: *sigh* Newcomers...

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