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General Supremo: So... the four of you, Lt. Karen, Gen. Armin, Corp. Nick and SiC. Frankie lost around 6 humans and a single sunflower that they all escaped in a train...?

Karen, Armin, Nick and Frankie: Yes sir...

General Supremo: Karen and Armin where chasing the human's from quite some good time, and yet, even with Karen's abilities, they couldn't catch them?

Karen and Armin: Yes... sir...

General Supremo: And Corporal Nick, once you got the report of the HST heading to your base, instead of destroying the tracks. You let them pass because you simply didn't though about it?

Corp. Nick: Yes... sir.

General Supremo: And you Frankie, even if you caught them by surprise, nor your soldier's, nor yourself could take out those humans, nor that train?

Frankie: No sir.

General Supremo: Did you wrote your report's to Zomboss?

Karen, Armin, Nick and Frankie: Yes.

General Supremo: Good... Armin, Nick and Frankie you are dismissed, Karen stay here. I need to talk with you...

Both Armin and Nick left Supremo's office. Then Supremo proceeds to slap hardly on Karen's face.

General Supremo: How? How could you fail on capturing those human's? Why was so difficult chasing a train? Tell me WHY.

Karen remained silent. Supremo's slaps Karen on the face, again.

General Supremo: TELL. ME. WHY.

Karen: T-they...

Karen remained silent again.

General Supremo: They... what? mind finishing your sentence?

Karen: They where just lucky...

General Supremo: Luck eh...?

Gen. Supremo remained silent for a moment.

General Supremo: Karen you are dismissed now. Let me think out a punishment for you. Meanwhile, do something that you can actually be useful for.

Karen: Yes... General Supremo...

She then leaves the office.

General Supremo: What a niece...

The zombie's later came back to Paddington Station to check on the survivor's. But no trace was found, they even tried to check out the security feed's that

where left. But they where all deleted.

Meanwhile, in the bunker, the survivor's finally knew everything that has happened in the US, from the first outbreak in Neighborville, to the government

cover up that tried to hide about the outbreak there, to time traveling stuff.

After finally understanding everything. The survivor's could bring some assistance for the Plant's Republic in the UK, by accessing all the Security Cameras

that are around the country. Helping around left behind survivor's. To helping the plants on doing tactical attack's against the zombie's.

Although something that they perfectly know, is that they wont get out of the bunker, in a long, long time.

Also Lt Gen. Karen, Gen. Armin, Corp. Nick, and SiC Frankie rank's where downgraded.

(Lt. Karen and SiC. Frankie belong to AbratasticArt in DeviantArt)

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