Ready or Not

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We arrive at Trafalgar Square and got out of the cab. We walked around and took pictures, Rydel did her "signature" pose and Rocky mounted one of the lions and screams "For Narnia and Aslan!" As me and Riker tried to hide our embarrassment a group fans came up and started talking to them. I was unintentionally pushed away and wait off to the side, it was really awkward. I think Riker noticed me.

"Hey guys, I'm sorry but we have to go. I hope you come to the show tomorrow night." He waved to them and tried to get through. Then someone in the crowd said.

"Isn't that the bitch who dumped Ross?" Everyone looked over at me.

"Oh my god, it is?" Someone else yelled.

"What the fuck is she doing here?"

"Thank god, she left Ross his new girlfriend is so much better."

"Will you guys be quiet!" Riker yelled and pushed through. "She is a great girl and our friend. Her and Ross left on good terms and are still friends. She is one of the best people I've met and you need to stop being jerks. If you true fan then never talk about her like that again." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along as Rydel and Rocky followed us.

"Are you okay? I can't believe they did that!." Rydel said hugging me.

"It's fine. I've been through it before, but it was different in person, I don't know. But, damn Riker, way to be a superhero, I can't believe you did that."

"Yeah, I thought you were the shy one." Rocky said laughing.

"I'm sorry, but that was uncool." Riker said, "I can't believe that someone would say those things to you."

"It's fine, now let's go do things." So we walked around the town and had so much fun. We ran round parks and Riker gave me piggyback rides and just joked around.

We made it back and headed to bed. The next morning, Rydel, Ellington, Ross, and Hannah invited me to eat brunch with them. They were already down in the lobby as I finished getting ready. I wore a Motel Jet romper and my hair in a loose, messy braid. I sighed and walked out of my room. Riker walked out at the sametime.

"Where are you headed to all dolled up?" He asked as he closed his door.

"Oh, the couples invited me to brunch. You know how sad it is to be the fifth wheel at brunch?"

"I barley know what brunch is but from how you're putting it, I'm guessing pretty sad." We laughed. "Hey, can I come with you? I've got nothing to do and I want to experience this brunch and a company you of course."

"Please, you just want me for the bruch."

"It sounds interesting, okay. Like something old British couples do."

"Well we are in England." I laughed and placed my arm in his. "Shall we go to brunch, Mr. Lynch?" I said in a British accent.

"We shall Miss. Byrd. Tally ho to brunch." He said back in the same accent. We laughed as he walks to the elevator.

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