Chapter 2 (I'm doomed)

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I open my eyes and I saw that it is already 1 in the afternoon.

I felt someone cuddling me making me smile. I turn to face him as I began to admire his face. My hyung is really handsome if you ask me. He has something I couldn't see in other guys who tried to court me. I mean being gay is actually fine in our community so it is kinda normal to see couples of the same gender.

My hands unconsciously touched his face from his eyes to his sharp nose and his jawline but my hands stopped on his lips taking myself aback.

I immediately stood up and ran to my room. What just happen?

Why did I even think of that?

He's my brother for fuck's sake.

I calmed my breathing as I began to hit myself.

I need to call someone.

Grabbing my phone, I dialed someone and I immediately heard the voice that can brighten anyone's day.

"Sunoo hyung?"

"Hi baby Jungwon. . how is it? Is your brother finally home?"

"Yeah . . I wanna ask you something"

"Oh . . ok"

"When you saw Niki,. . . did you immediately say you love him?"

"Haha you're so random but since Niki and I literally grew up together, I think we just felt it. . goodness I don't even know how to explain it. . and trust me our love story is literally the typical best friend turn lovers story haha. .  why do you ask?"

"Sunoo. . . I . . nothing. . I have to go, my mom's calling"

I ended the call before letting out a sigh and enter the bathroom and wash my face. What was that?

My hyung is just handsome . . yeah anyone can be handsome.

When I walk out, I saw my brother on my bed making me yelp.

"Why'd you leave? I haven't slept that great for ages"

I was startled.

Does that mean he hasn't slept well . .


He sighed before sitting up.

"I never have a decent sleep for five years. . . yes I do sleep but just for one or two hours and then I woke up . . after on hour or two, I will sleep again. . ."

He looked up to me and smiled before standing up and walking towards my door.

"I think because you got homesick hyung"

"I think so too. . come down now, lunch is ready"

I waited when he turn his back to me before jumping on it for him to carry me. This hasn't happen in ages and I miss being carried.

We went downstairs and the table is already set.

"Come eat boys. . oh and by the way, tomorrow, we will go to your office Jay"

"Oh . . sure thing dad. . get down no Wonie"

I sat on the chair before starting on my food. By the way, Jay hyung will be working with dad so it is obvious he will have an office. I wonder how he would look in an office suit.

The thing is, the reason why I haven't seen him in ages was because I never had the chance to visit him in the States. Because of school, schedule and fever and many more. It seems like the universe didnt allow me to go.

"Can I come with dad?"

I asked and my dad laughed.

"You have school. . . you can come visit if you are done"

Oh yeah I forgot I am still a student.

I went to school the next day and dad and Jay hyung left early.

"Jungwon!! . . hey what's news?"

I waved and Sunoo hyung as we walk inside the campus.

"Jay hyung is home. . and I'm so happy you have no idea"

"I can see that..  You're literally glowing"

We went to our classes as Sunoo sat beside his boyfriend. These two are just so cute for their own good. Remind me again why I'm single? Oh yeah, my standards are high hehe. It's hard if your standard is Park Jongseong.

The class started with our teacher literally shining. I mean never have I heard someone speak with so much brightness in his voice apart from my literature teacher, Mr. Jung Hoseok.
(ARMYs, can you still recall BTS' skit before where they acted as teachers, nurse and student? Haha I don't even know how many times I watched it).

This is literature but my teacher made it less boring and actually exciting.

After class, I walk to my other class after saying good bye to Sunoo and Niki as we have different classes. I have a Math class now and when I enter the class, I calmed myself down when I saw them again.

The thing is, these three people somehow always are in one of my classes and tormenting me.

They bullied me but no one knows really. The fact that one of them is actually the school president's son makes it harder and I don't even know why they targeted me. It would be useless to tell it to the teachers anyway. I will just get punished for it.

I slowly sat down on my seat Waiting for another bucket of stinky water to be poured at me or my chair to fall into pieces but nothing happens. I got more nervous as I know they are up to something worse. And since Seon, the president's son I spoke about seems to be in a bad mood makes it scarier.

Why didn't I tell my family you ask? I don't want them involved. I know what Seon is capable of doing and I don't want that to happen.

The door opens and I expect my teacher to enter but I saw a different face instead.

Is he a new teacher?

The girls in my class let out whispers as they admire the new handsome Math teacher who look rather uninterested.

"I was forced to come here and teach where professor Kim has left. I would just be his substitute for today. . behave and focus or else - -"

"Don't expect me to follow you Mr. Substitute"

Seon always is like that to every teacher he will meet.

"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking thank you very much. . "

"You talk back? Do you know who I am?"

And no teacher has dared spoke back to him as they are scared of him.

"Do I look like I care who you are? As I have said I am forced to be here so I don't really Care if you understood or not . . . back to the lesson"

The class was silenced. No one has dared to do that before.

He is really smart in teaching to be honest and on point. I wonder if he's a teacher in other classes but I haven't seen him before in campus.

After the class, the teacher left immediately and one of Seon's friends come up to me.

"Rooftop .. . now"

I know I'm doomed.


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