Chapter 14 (What happened?)

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I woke up with my head feeling like it's been hammered. If I know I have to deal with this pain after drinking I shouldn't have listened to that kid.

Niki told me that it is alright to drink as it is not that strong but who knew that kid's alcohol tolerance is higher than his height? And Sunoo didnt even stop him. And I listened. Wait is Sunoo also in pain like I am?

"Sunoo hyung!"

I step out the bed and walk out only to find my friends having breakfast without me.

"Hey! Why did no one call me?"

Sunoo look back and smiled.

"We can't wake you up honey . . . plus we thought you might still be in pain after drinking so much last night. Anyway, we will leave later this day so better make most of the beach"

"Mind telling me what happened last night?"

"Well . . we drank too much and then you left for fresh air. . . then a knock was heard and when I open the door, your brother is carrying your drunk self into the room. I don't know how it happened but he might've found you drunk outside. Sorry Wonie"

"It's ok . . I'll be alright. . . so where are Jay and Heeseung hyung?"

Just as they're about to answer, the door was opened and Heeseung hyung stepped in.

"Who wants to go surfing?"

Both of them immediately raised their excited hands making Heeseung hyung laugh.

"Ok . . come find me if you're done. . Wonie, are you feeling fine now? .  ."

"I feel fine hyung. . thank you. Enjoy surfing, I'll follow after breakfast"

They all nodded as I sat on the table trying to recall last night's events.

I got drunk and hyung brought me back?

I began to eat my breakfast before grabbing a cup of milk and having a sip. Unfortunately, the milk is so hot I burnt my upper lip.

Ow that hurt.

I got some ice and place it in a towel before I slowly pat my lips.

After feeling better, I went to change into something comfortable for the surfing thingy. I am always curious how a board can be a ride on the waters.

I put some sun screen on before putting some on my face.

I took my lip balm and place some on my lips to avoid me getting wind burns all over my lips.

Just then, the moment my finger touched my lips, I suddenly felt weird. As if something happens that I don't know about.

I tried to recall last night's events when an image of me kissing someone flashed in my head.

Holy crap!!

Was I kissing someone last night?

Shit who could it be?

I grab my hair in frustration as I roll around the bed I am in.

I ran to the beach to find Sunoo, hopefully he knew something, and he will confirm that no kiss happened. Ok Sunoo where are you?

I look around and saw him cheering for his boyfriend on the surfboard while recording him.

"Sunoo hyung . . "

He look back at me as he still has the camera.


"Can I talk to you about something?"

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