Chapter 12 (Danger?)

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Heeseung hyung is really cool. I mean, I do still have school but having a short vacation for the weekend is great, why didnt I thought of that?

As I am preparing for tomorrow's drive to the beach, Jay hyung knocked on my door making me look up.

"You excited?"

"Mhm. . . very, I mean I deserve this after almost a week in the hospital"

"Make sure to pack just the necessary. It's just a two day and one night trip"

I nodded as I jump on my bed.

"Hyung. . . . when will you propose to Heeseung hyung? I mean. . "

He let out a small laugh before settling beside me.

"Well I have been thinking but Heeseung.  .  . he wants to do a lot of things. If you have seen his bucket list, trust me it will take ages to complete. But along with all the plans, I didn't see a list about him wanting to get married. . "

"You never know. . I mean, unless you ask"

"That'll wait Wonie, I mean, he seem to not want to get married you know"

I felt sad suddenly for him. Hyung always will tell me before that if he found the one, then he really want to settle with them, he wants to get married. But Heeseung hyung doesn't and I know it hurts my hyung.

Should I ask Heeseung hyung? I could do that, that can come out as a curious question from a little kid.

"Ey don't be so down hyung. . . don't assume ok? . .cheer up and enjoy our time"

I pat the space beside my bed as he just smiled and slid into my covers.

"I see you haven't changed your detergent"

"Yeah, . . my skin and my nose loves it. .  and by the way, the perfume you gave me, it's my favorite"

"Your taste is imported you know that? . . "

I laughed as it was part true.

It is correct that I love all the scents he got me from the U.S but it's not my fault my skin is picky.

"Yeah. .. But hey, the perfume company of my favorite perfume just opened a branch here and trust me, I will own not just one"

"Of course. . but can I tell you a little something about your favorite perfume?"


"Well, the brand have different categories for scents. . . for kids, teens, adults and under those categories are another categories like strong, mild, sweet, etc. You know where I got yours?"

"Interesting, where?"

I mean, it is cool to know I can have different choices and did I mention A LOT of choices.

"I got it from one of the categories that only will be available once a year. . . the babies' category, pure"

My eyes snap open as I sat up from my bed.

"Yah! What the . . . b-babies? . . they make perfume for b-babies? And you got mine from . . ."

"I think it suits you ..  And I'm glad you like it. . . oh and if you're wondering, my perfume is under the "men" category, luxury"

He did a pose as he said his perfume making me blush.

"B-but . . . babies category? . . I'm no baby hyung . . I'm a teenager. . . do you seriously think of me as a baby?"

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