Chapter 7 (Confusion)

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"Did you eat well Wonie?"

I asked as we exit the restaurant.

"Of course. . I'm with you so why won't I? . . ah can we grab some milk tea?"

I nodded as we drove towards a milk tea shop Jungwon said is amazing when it comes to milk tea.

When we stopped at the store, Jungwon excitedly stepped out the car and into the store.

He seem to be a regular in this store as he knew exactly what he was doing and immediately after ordering, we enter the car as he happily took a sip of his drink. Me being curious of what it taste like decided to drink mine.

It tastes great to be honest.

"Hyung . .  I'm sorry by the way. ."

"Hm? Why?"

"Well. . I acted like that when I found out about your boyfriend. . I mean, I should be happy right?"

I started the engine before ruffling his hair.

"I know Wonie. . but I also understand that because it is shocking for you . . I didn't mention him before. . but now, I want you to meet him.  .  . he's really nice. ."

He nodded before I pinch his soft cheek and we drove back home.

When he enter his room, I enter mine before releasing a sigh of relief.

Why do I feel this way?

I wanted to kiss him.


I let out a breath I was holding for the whole time.

The next morning, I went to school and met up with my friend and there I told him my confusions.

I told him what I felt towards my own brother, how I always want to know how his lips will feel like against mine. I want to feel how his hand will touch me not in a very brotherly way.

Sunoo looked shocked and so am I.

"Oh shit . . that's so confusing Jungwon . . I mean, sure we found our siblings good looking sometimes but I didn't know you can feel that way. . I mean "

"I know right? Even I am confused right now. . I don't wanna feel awkward with him but with this feeling, I think I might really mess up and damage our relationship"

I buried my head in my arms as I let out a sigh.

After school, I texted hyung that I will go out late because I have to finish my assignment in the library as the assignment requires me to reference from books which is a hassle by the way.

I stayed there for at least few hours and students no longer walk the halls of the campus.

But to my bad luck, I am about to head out when I was again cornered by Seon and his goons and I'm scared now as they are holding baseball bats. My fear is not the bat hurting me but the fact that Jay hyung might get mad concerns me the most. 

I want to fight back but then I remember how powerful he is in this campus.

I was again dragged to the rooftop and I shivered at the cold as they forcefully yanked my jacket away.

These three have red bloodshot eyes. Are they on drugs maybe? Or are they drunk? No I can't smell any alcohol so they're on drugs too?

I was pushed on the wall but before anything else happen, my phone was snatched away from me making me more scared.
Will they break it?

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