Chapter 8 (I want to meet him)

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I panicked when I felt Jungwon's hot temperature. Ever since we were kids, Jungwon has always been the one to be more vulnerable to the cold that our parents have installed a heater in our pool and all around the house for when winter comes, Jungwon won't get sick.

But now, where everything is cold, Jungwon is now having a fever.

I held him close as I kiss his temple. I really hope someone realizes that we're gone. Mom or dad or even Heeseung. I promised to call him when Jungwon and I got home. I hope he will panick again and ask for help.

Thing is, when we're in America, I was again locked inside the campus as the librarian didnt see me sleeping in between the book shelves and locked me in the library. When I woke up, the whole campus is quiet and the exit is locked. I did have fun tho as I manage to go out the library and into the school store where I ate free foods. Haha the locks is just passwords so since I kinda saw the canteen password, I manage to enter.

Anyways, Heeseung has been calling me but stupid me, I put my phone on silent. He panicked and called the police and when asked where I was last, he said school. I just smiled when I saw police sirens outside the gates.

I just hope Heeseung will do that this time.

Shit Jungwon has been shaking pretty bad and I know the more we stay here, the more he won't be fine.

Just then, I heard sirens and i slowly laid Jungwon on my coat before I went to the railings and look down to see then the gate opening and a pair of police officers along with the security guard who is I assume about to take his shift in guarding the school, open the gates. I look over and relief flooded over me when I saw my parent's car following the police car. I saw mom came out together with Heeseung.

Wait, . . . oh shit I forgot Dad is out of the country.

Did Heeseung perhaps did the same like in school before?.

I have to make them know we're here, Jungwon could be freezing at the moment.

I found a metal pipe and began to hit the railings to make a sound as loud as possible.

Heeseung, I know you can hear me. He always has a good hearing you know.

Then I heard footsteps approaching before the door was opened.

"Park Jongseong are you in here?"

"Here sir!"

I ran back into the room as I grab the blanket the officer was holding.

I immediately wrap Jungwon with it as I carried him in my arms.

"Umbrella please!"

I saw the running  towards us with an umbrella as he shielded me with it.

"Jungwon . ..  Hey can you hear me?"

He's shaking still as I ran as fast as I can with the police behind me.


I saw my mom opening her car already as I ran towards it and laid Jungwon in the backseat.

"Take my car and drove to the hospital. ."

I gave Heeseung my keys as I immediately step on the gas and as fast as I can, I drove us to the hospital where they attended to him.

I think he got colder as he still got wet. The rain and wind is so strong tonight due to the storm making the umbrella not enough to shield him.

He was brought to the emergency room where our family doctor immediately attended to him. The thing is our family doctor knew about Jungwon's condition so we can trust that he knew how to help him, as always.

I slid down the wall and my body seem to loose its strength. My hands began to tremble not because of the cold but because of the thought of loosing Jungwon.

I was scared.

So scared that my anger towards those boys leveled up making me wanna .  .  . I don't know hurt them too.

I heard footsteps before I felt a blanket over my shoulder. I look up and saw Heeseung smiling at me before I felt his hand on my head, slowly drying my hair.

"Your mom will attend to him don't worry"

He held my trembling hands before I met his eyes.

"Stop thinking of doing anything stupid Park Jongseong"

I let my body fall into his arms as he hugged me.

"He's gonna be fine"

With his hand softly patting my back, I began to doze off.

When I woke up, I was seated on the hospital chair with my head on Heeseung's shoulder.

"What happened?"

He look away from his phone before turning to me.

"The doctor said he's gonna be fine. He will wake up soon but also suggests that you will get some treatment yourself as you mostly got soaked. . or do you want to go home and change your clothes?"

"I'd do the second option hyung. . . anyway, did you call my mom?"

He laughed as if something funny flashed in his memory.

"Yeah . . I have been calling you for hundred times but you didn't answer. . I recall the incident back then. . . when I drove to your house, I saw your mom pacing in front of your gate. . she can't call both of you. . she thought you got kidnapped but thats kinda impossible she said. . . so I suggested we come to your brother's school. . you two might be locked since you mentioned about your brother's bully. . "

He's smart, and cool.

"Thank you . . . I owe you a lot babe. . "

I lean up since he was taller by a few inches before wrapping my arms around his neck and brought my lips to his in a soft kiss. He has done so much for me and I think I haven't done enough.

When we pull away, he stood up with his pink cheeks and smiled at me.

"I'll drive you home. . I'm sure your mom will call you if your brother's awake. ."

I held his hand as we walk towards my car and I drive.

When we reached my room, I immediately jump into my bathroom and wash myself. I did more cleaning on myself before dressing into some casual clothes. Just some sweater and jeans.

When I walk out my bathroom, Heeseung is seated on my couch with the photo album I got from Jungwon in his hand.

"You two are so adorable"

I laughed and joined him in the couch.

"It's him that makes us cute. . ."

"He loves you so much . . I can almost feel it through the pages"

When he reached the last photo on the album, I didn't know why but I felt my heart skip a beat with the photo. It was when we went out to dinner. Did he stole a photo of me walking towards him from the bathroom?

I look like I am walking to advertise the restaurant.

"Its cute how he stole photos from you. . I won't blame him tho. . . your stolen photo look better"

"Yah . . you mean to tell me you also do the same?"


He closed the album and place it beside him.

"I want to meet him. . ."

"Sure . . "


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