Chapter 20 (New)

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I just watched from my window as hyung and Heeseung hyung drove away to their date. It pains mo more now. Because I know one moment, my brother- ah he's not, Jay will soon forget about me.

I grab my phone as I call Sunoo and Niki to come over. At least I have friends to lean on this time of need. I just hope they still come.

Just a few rings lager, their faces immediately appear on my computer screen.

"Oh my gosh. .  Jungwon, are you ok? What happened to you? Are you home?"

"Chill Sunoo, . . I'm at home, you can come over if you're free. . I could use some talking right now"

"Ok . . we'll be there in a few minutes"

They hung up and I just laid back on my bed. I sure miss my bed, ever since Jay hyung came home, I've been using his bed.

I forgot to tell them to get some food . .  well Sunoo is there so it's a sure thing.

Not a moment later, they suddenly barged in my room with Sunoo throwing himself at me for a tight hug to which I didn't dare to reject.

"Now. . . speak"

I know there's no hiding anymore. It's useless to hide, it will be revealed anyway.

"Well, the thing is. . I left because I feel so guilty of kissing my brother. But then I came back and found out I'm not really the son of my mom and dad, and Jay hyung is not my brother. ."

"Wait . . that's a lot of information. . . so you kissed Jay hyung and found out he's not your brother. . . then you're not a Park? .
Wait. . huh?"

Poor Niki looked so confused and his face says it all but Sunoo seems to know what was going on. He then look at me as he held my hand.

"You're in love with him aren't you?"

I can't even deny.

I slowly nod my head as I smiled, forcefully as I don't feel great right now. I know I could be labeled homewrecker if I ever blurt out to Jay hyung that I like him that way. Plus, I don't want to destroy a good relationship, that's just not right.

"Wait . . are you kidding me?"

I shook my head at Niki's question as he just look at me with wide eyes.

"What do you plan to do now?"

"I don't know . . I might ask Jake hyung to swap for a while. I also want to be with my biological family. . also, not to sound mean but also to get away from Jay hyung . . . "

A hug was again given to me.

"Don't worry Wonie, . . whatever you choose, we will support you. . but remember that it won't be easy.  .  you could also get hurt. . "

"I know but what can I do? Heeseung was there first . . they love each other, . .and I would rather be hurt, at least Jay is happy"

I can't help but cry.

I mean it when I said that Jay's happiness is my first. I couldn't bear to see him with a sad face or even a frown. And I can see that Heeseung is giving him the smile I always love to see.

I took my phone and dialed Jake hyung's number.

I feel bad for him. Why does it seem like his parents don't want him any more ? I recall how he said he's working for his studies that's why he's in the hotel. Does it mean they are not looking out after him that well?

I sure hope I won't feel that way. And I am certain that mom, dad and Jay hyung will take good care of him.


I smiled, he always has this cute sweet voice but a hint of intimidation at the same time. Opposite of Jay hyung, his voice always is intimidating with a hint of cuteness.

"Hyung, .  .do you think we could switch? . .I mean you stay here, I stay there for a few days. . I want you to know them more. . and also for me to know them more. . "

"Ah . . yeah, I will tell them. . "

"Ok . . I will also do the same. . you'll love it here"

"Yeah . .I know, I can see it through you. . you'll love it here too. . Daniel might look intimidating because he's so tall but trust me, he's just like a baby as you are"

I laughed as I recall how he always say I'm such a baby before at the resort.

"Yeah, I can see that . . "

The call ended and Sunoo just look at me and from his expression, I can say he's asking my certainty.

"We will always check on you and don't you ever say no. . . "

I nodded as I grab a bag and began to pack some clothes for a week. I just smiled when I open my closet, all my clothes are picked and given by Jay hyung. Now how can I even not think of him?

Meanwhile. . . . .


Heeseung and I just finished the movie and we're now walking to the fast food for a meal, I'm suddenly hungry.

"Jay? . . . can we go to a steak house? I want steak"

"of course. . ."

I drove us to the steak house and the moment we enter, I already can smell the addicting aroma of steak and wine.

Not long after, our food arrived and I am about to start my meal when a memory popped up of Jungwon and I eating steak.

He's so cute that time as he stuffed his mouth so much even mom and dad can't help but coo at him. And the moment he got upset at me because I'm drinking something fancy and his is just apple juice. That was just grape juice, I can't drink wine that time.

Shaking the memory, I turn to Heeseung who ala has his eyes on me.

"You ok baby?"

"Yeah ..  I just got side tracked"

"Anyway, can I ask you a favor? A big one"

"Sure what is it?"

"I want to spend time with you, alone. . . . and I know it's impossible but can you just focus on me now?. . when you're not , I feel like you will leave me soon. . Please?"

I reached out to his hand and held it as I look into his eyes but it's weird as something seems to be not right. His eyes never lie and what I am seeing right now, it's shining with love but there's something behind it that made me uneasy, that's anger.

Who is he angry at?

"I will do anything to be with you Jay. And I won't let anything or anyone come our way. I can't and will not loose you"

Heeseung was determined.


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