More messing with your feels

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Herobrine's footsteps echoed as he walked down the silent halls of his nether castle. No mob, person or other made a noise. It was if he were all alone. And in a way, he was.
Only him and his thoughts.

A crash came from the dining room. Herobrine winced at the sudden noise. Alright, maybe it wasn't just him and his thoughts.

He walked over to the door quickly and looked in. Phil stumbled around inside with plates and silver wear. Herobrine could see him muttering as he worked. A small smirk worked it's way up his face. He walked in and leaned against the wall.

Phil stopped and looked up before grinning. the scar on his forehead stuck out like a bad memory. A hunter had tried to catch him a couple years back and it hadn't left him the same. Not the same at all.

"What are you working on Phil?" Herobrine asked. Phil smiled and set down another plate.

"The kids are coming to visit" the enderman replied "Briar said they'd be coming for dinner"

Herobrine sighed sadly and shook his head. He knew she hadn't said those things, she couldn't have.

"I think they canceled Phil" Herobrine said watching as Phil kept working "they have some- other plans they're busy with" a lump rose in Herobrine's throat and he had to look away for a moment.

Phil stopped and looked over confused "but they're here already"

Herobrine shook his head again and looked back at Phil "they just left. they were called back to help"

Phil looked down at the table an nodded slowly. He started to pick up the dishes again when the doors on the other side opened.

A young man, about 23, walked in. His short brown hair covered one bluish grey eye. He held a letter in one hand as he looked around nervously. Phil broke into a smile and teleported over to him.

"Creed! you made it!" He beamed lifting the boy into a hug. He yelped from the sudden embrace and gripped the letter tighter.

Herobrine chuckles and walked over.

"That's enough Phil. Let him go" hero smirked. Phil nodded happy and set the shaking boy back down. He held the note in front of him and refused to look Herpbrine in his glowing white eyes.

Herobrine smirked and took the letter. the boys arm dropped back to his side and he started back out of the room.

"Going already?" Phil asked, the sound of disappointment hung heavy in his voice "we thought you were going to stay a bit" he frowned.

The boy stopped ad sighed "no uncle Phil, I'm not leaving yet. Dad just wanted me to bring a letter to grandpa is all" his voice was quiet as he spoke and he still wouldn't look at Herobrine. of course, Herobrine wasn't looking at him anymore either. He was too busy reading the letter he had handed to him.

"Ah" Phil nodded "how's angel? she doing alright? I heard she broke her leg again"

The boy smile and shook his head "no, she broke her hip this time. Tried chasing after a witch for turning one of her cats into a slime again. the accidentally fell into a hole"

"That's not good" Herobrine replied. He looked up from the letter at the boy "how's your father, Terrance?"

Terrance shrugged "off with grandpa again. still trying to find a way to either demolish the squids or make peace. just like great grandpa sky wanted them to"

Herobrine chuckles and nodded "think you'll ever do that?"

Phil, who had been wandering around again, stopped and looked over "that reminds me! Colin should be coming over soon! he said he'd visit soon so that must mean today" his voice grew softer as he started muttering to himself more. a hand reached up and scratched the back of his head where another identical scar to the one on the front of his head could barely be seen.

"Maybe uncle Phil" Terrance replied with a sad smile "you did say wwe'd meet him one of these days"

"That I did!" Phil replied with a laugh. he disappeared in a pug of ender particles and the two of them could hear him wandering out in the halls, occasionally bumping into something and knocking it over.

Herobrine sighed "I'm going to have to get a replacement for him one of these days" he said.

Terrance gasped "you wouldn't! what would grandma have thought of that!" he replied outraged. Herobrine chuckled.

"Relax kid, I was only kidding" he smirked "he's too entertaining now" Terrence crossed his arms and looked away. Herobrine smirked and ruffled his hair.

"You get too worked up kid. Nothing's going to happen to him, he'll be alright" he smiled. Terrence smiled back.

"I'd better get back. mom's probably waiting for me. Aunt Angel just wanted us to give that to you" he nodded at the letter.

Herobrine nodded as well "I appreciate it. Tell your mother when you get back that I'll be coming up for the funeral then"

Terrence smiled a bit "she's already made a room ready for you. And dad should be back with grandpa too"

Herobrine chuckled "I don't think II'll need a room. I know of a house near by that I can stay in. It'll probably be better too if Phil decides to rag along as well"

"Oh right" Terrence rubbed the back of his neck "don't want a repeat of last time again. that was pretty bad"

For the first time in a long time, Herobrine actually laughed.

"Yes. it was pretty bad" he replied "I wouldn't have thought he was so scared of skeletons"

"Those things have no soul!" Phil's voice echoed down the hall. Herobrine and Terrence froze before bursting out laughin.

Terrence smiled sadly. "I'd better go" he repeated looking at his feet "see you in a week" he looked up and smiled. Herobrine smiles back and nodded.

"I'll see you in a week" he replied. The boy nodded one last time and walked back out the door.

Once again Herobrine was left in silence. He sighed quietly an sat down in one of the chairs in the dining room. the letter lay in front of him, cursive letters dancing across the yellowed parchment. He sighed again and looked away from it.

How could something so nice hold something so horrible within it's text? another death to add to an already growing pile of people he had cared for. He had tried not to but in the end it seemed he might still have some human traits left.

He'd have to take care o that later. Right now, he had to pack and get Phil ready for his son's funeral.

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