A deal from the past

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Herobrine paced. It had been two years and still no signs of her, not even a body or possible grave. The zombies had checked all the caves. the skeletons all the towns. Creepers checked farms and spiders were in the cities but nothing had. Turned up in their search.

Only a couple Enders had found at least something. A small dress like the one she had been wearing the night she was taken had been found in an abandoned, burned out house. He had searched it many times but it had been abandoned for too long to tell if it actually was hers. After that lead went dead everything seemed to go cold. Until he got the offer from Notch for help.

Herobrine mentally kicked himself for ever letting him find out about her. after all it was probably his fault she had been taken and then he jumped on the chance? What kid of father was he?

A desperate one he thought one who is willing to do anything to get his child back. But at what cost?

He didn't know. Notch had only written him a couple days ago and he had immediately answered. how foolish he felt for it too. All the time spent looking and then this? He could have just asked for help?

No. That wasn't the reason he offered He seethed he offered because I had stopped doing my 'job'. As if anything I do is actually a major job to them up there.

Herobrine growled and lashed out at the nearest thing to him, a stone statue, breaking it in one punch.

"When is he going to be here?" Hero thought aloud. "he hasn't written back, he hasn't done anything!" he broke again punching a guard this time who immediately fell down dead.

A blinding white light appeared in the door way and he stopped. The tall bald man wearing a fedora he waiting for stepped out and smile at him. Herobrine had to force his had to relax out of the fist it was forming.

"Hello brother" Notch said in a cheerful tone "it's been a while"

"Let's skip the greeting ad get down to business" Herobrine replied "where is she?"

Notch held up his hand "all in good time. first we have to make a deal"

"What kind of deal?" Herobrine asked warily. the last time he had made a deal he had been left in a haunted house without his powers, ordered to stay the night and survive. you can see why he'd be warily of a deal.

"You want your daughter back, and I need some people to have their powers awakened" Notch explained casually. he pulled out a list as handed it to him.

"That's it?" He asked warily "that's all you want done?"

Notch nodded "if you give them their powers and all of them keep them your children will be safe"

Herobrine looked at him confused. he only had one kid. what did he mean by children? as in the plural form of child. unless...

He shook his head. that thought was more disturbing than he wanted it to be at the moment. he surely didn't have more out there at the moment.

Notch walked back towards the still glowing doorway and waved.

"Remember the promise Hero. as long as their powers are secured the safety of your children are too" he said and walked out without another word.

Herobrine stared at the list. a smirk worked it's way up his lips. This wouldn't be that hard. And once he had it done, he had his Diamond back.

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