The Vet

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A/N this was a random thought I had that I thought it'd be awesome and funny


"Come on Phil!" Herobrine shouted up the stairs. "We're going to be late if you don't get down here!"

"I'm not going!" Phil shouted back. He stuck his head out the door and glared down at him. His attic room was the biggest in the house, but he still had to duck to get out.

"That place is humiliating, and I feel fine" Phil glared "I'm not going, you can't force me, and if you try I'll kill you"

Herobrine smirked and pulled out a collar and long, long leash. It glowed slightly as the magic on it pulsed across the fabric. Phil's face fell.


Phil sat next to Herobrine in the waiting room. Looking around, he noted the other mobs there besides himself. Most with a human with them. Some in cages. One spider seemed particularly sick, curled up in the bottom of a cage sitting on a young girls lap. To Phil, it was easy to tell it was a young cave spider, but the little thing had yellow spots covering its abdomen.

Scratching his collar, Phil looked around and spotted another enderman in the room. Surprised, he craned his neck to look closer. The other ender had purple eyes and was wearing a suit shirt it looked like. A purple bow tie hung loosely around his neck. He was sitting next to a human in a striped shirt and a zombie wearing a ripped shirt playing a video game. Phil snorted and leaned back against the wall.

"What's so funny?" Herobrine asked quietly. Briar had put a glamour on him, to hide his identity. Even among mobs an appearance from him would cause a scene.

At the moment, he was dressed as an old man with graying hair and wearing suspenders. A cane rested next to them against a chair and he held the end of the black leash in his right hand. Phil nodded to the other side of the room, at the other group.

"Ah, I see" Herobrine chuckled. "Don't worry about him, he's no trouble" he smirked.

Phil huffed. That wasn't what he was talking about, but it didn't matter.

A nurse in a blue scrubs walked in, looked at her clip board and looked around the waiting room.

"Mr. Swazousquie?" She asked, looking around. Herobrine stood up.

"That would be us" he said, tugging Phil's lead. Phil growled but followed easily.

They walked through the door, following the nurse down a hall past other room. Phil peaked into the ones that had their doors open. Squid, Zombies, Spiders. You name it and they were inside. Some of the doctors were witches, others humans. Both milled around together peacefully. Phil shivered slightly as they walked under a vent.

"Doc will meet you two in a moment" The nurse said, waving them into a room with a larger door. "until then, get comfortable and just relax" she smiled and shut the door behind them.

Herobrine sighed and the glamour fell off him. He leaned back in the chair relaxed. Phil sat on the larger table, nervous as can be. His legs didn't quite dangle since they were so long. The claws on the ends of his toes scraped the floor nervously. They made a scritch-scratch noise as he swung them back and forth.

"Don't be so scared" Herobrine smirked, watching him. Phil looked up and glared.

"Why shouldn't I be?" Phil asked, anger and fear shaking his voice. "I didn't need to come here, I feel fine now"

Herobrine shook his head. "you were-" he stopped as he was interrupted by the door opening and a young man dressed in white walking in. He was looking down at a clip board as he shut the door. Quickly, Herobrine put the glamour back on.

"Hello" he said, looking up "I'm doctor Stienford's assistant. She sent me in to take your pulse and make sure everything else is going alright" he smiled. Phil's eyes narrowed as the doctor walked closer.

"so what seems to be the problem?" He asked. Herobrine shook his head.

"He was complaining all night about how his stomach hurt, but the moment we got here he said he was feeling much better. I swear, he's such a wuss that he can't even handle a simple visit like this" Herobrine said, smirking slightly as Phil glared at him.

"Really? That doesn't seem good" The doctor replied. He was standing on a step stool and trying his best to wrap the blood pressure cuff around Phil's arm, but any time he got close Phil would quickly pull his arm away.

"Do you speak ender then, sir?" the doctor asked, gabbing Phil's arm and holding it still. Phil growled slightly but didn't pull away again.

Herobrine nodded. "I do, I was interested in it from a young age. I've been speaking it and several other mob languages since my early twenties" He smiled. "Although, it doesn't come in to handy with this one. He doesn't talk to much" Herobrine said, nodding to Phil.

"He doesn't?" the doctor repeated curiously "Why not? Did he hurt his larynx?"

"No, he had a troubled past" Herobrine sighed "very tragic, and very, very sad. He doesn't open up to most people. Sometimes he will around my children, but they don't understand a word he says. He doesn't know English after all"

"If I could ask" the doctor started curiously "what happened to make him so quiet?" gently the doctor guided Phil onto his back. Phil obeyed calmly, listening to the conversation.

"Well, what I've been able to get out of him about his past" Herobrine started, a thoughtful look crossed his face quickly. "He was outcast from his clan because of his eyes when he was very young. He wandered for a time, all by himself, trying his best to live in the end alone. It didn't work of course, young enders never do last long by themselves, especially in the end. But, he was taken in by a rouge female enderman who had many of other lost children as well. For a time he was happy, but again the teasing started up about his eyes. When he was old enough, he set off on his own and-" Herobrine stopped and feigned a sigh "And that's all I could ever get out of him"

"Why would they tease him about his eyes?" The doctor asked surprised "he seems to be healthy enough"

Herobrine smirked and nodded towards Phil's head. "They're green instead of purple" He said. The doctor stopped and carefully looked up at Phil.

"By Notch, they are" the doctor breathed. His own eyes widened in awe and shock. "Where did you find him? He has to be the first of his kind!" He quickly looked away as Phil started to growl.

"Oh, it was too long ago to say" Herobrine replied shaking his head. "But he has always amazed people with them. I tell him sometimes he should join the freak show. Of course, I say that jokingly" he added hurriedly. Phil was glaring at him hard enough to turn even his blood cold.

"Well, I'm sure there's pleanty of zoos or private investors who would love to get their hands on him" the doctor said, continuing the examination. "I had one guy come in earlier with an old zombie to check up. He's a regular here and by the looks of it, runs some sort of charity" he continued "every time he comes in, he's got some different mob, or some different animal asking us to check it out for him. We got worried once and called the police on him. Turned out he had tons of mobs living on his property AND was registered as a vet himself" the doctor shrugged "I never knew someone could do that. A lot of them were old too, or rare species or something like that. He had a permit for all of them too"

Herobrine nodded along, listening intently. "Did you ever catch his name, by chance?" He asked.

"Course I did. He's a regular" the doctor responded "He went by Gordon a lot, I can't remember his last name"

Phil sat up quickly and pushed the doctor back, falling off the table in the process.

"Philis!" Herobrine shouted, catching the doctor, who looked stunned. "I think we're done here" he said, looking at the doctor coldly. Quickly, he walked around the table and helped Phil up. He was flushed and shaking.

The doctor nodded quietly, still in shock. Quickly, Herobrine lead Phil out into the hall and ran.

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