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A/N for a while now I've been think I've made Herobrine too soft. And recently I got a request to make a story of him being evil so here it is! The person who asked for this, you know who you are. enjoy :)


Why'd we summon him? Why? Why were we so STUPID!? He didn't change, he never can. But the rumors. The ones spread by his brothers. They should have been true. Why would notch and Steve do this to their people?

I bolted through the forest back towards my village. I had to warn the others. Already Cris and Elizabeth were dead. They had been the first of us. Next he had taken John with a stab through the ribs. Allisa had been next. Hers wasn't as quick. I could still hear her scream.

I shivered thinking of those horrible moments, my eyes tearing up. I quickly brushed those away so I could see where I was going. He said he'd get the village next. I had to warn them.

I burst out of the think evergreens to see a sight of horror. The town was in chaos. People were lying dead in the streets. blood covered them, thick and still warm.

I could see him at the center of all this terror. The guards were trying to fight him off but it was useless. The only thing it seemed to be doing was quickening there own death. It was barely slowing everyone else's death. For all the ones who were still alive that is.

And the worst part? He was enjoying every bit of it. He moved with lightning fast efficiency with barely any time for the others to react. It was only a matter of time before he wiped us all out.

I hadn't known I was still staring in shock and horror until I heard a hiss behind me. Before I could react the creeper blew up and sent me forward into the blood bath.

I picked myself up and started to run. He was on the last person now, I could hear his scream for mercy fading into the night as I ran.

I tried to get as far away from that horror as I could but my stomach couldn't take it anymore.

I emptied my stomach, trying to get rid of the horror and pain of the losses. I knew I couldn't go on any longer. Instead, I curled into a ball and waited for death to find me as I cried softly. I thought about all the ones I lost and smiled slightly. I'd be with them soon.

Just then I was grabbed from behind and lifted into the air by my neck. Terror rushed through me again as I stared into those two, soulless white eyes.

"Say hello to Notch for me" were the last words I heard before I heard a snap and my vision went dark followed by a welcoming white.


A/N there, I hope that made him seem less soft and more like the blood throaty person he is. hope you liked it! Also, sorry its taken so long to update ANYTHING! I've been really busy. like, really really busy. I didn't mean for it to take this long.

Well, that's all for now

SEE YA Foxes!!

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