One stormy night

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I lay in my bed, peacefully sleeping. Outside the window thunder cracked and rain pounded the window pain as if an angry demon wanted in. The trees outside shook in the wind. Several of the olde, more brittle ones would occasionally crack as if they were about to break but I just lay there listening to it all. It was soothing. Inside, I was safe and warm. I didn't have to worry about the harsh weather breaking in and drowning me. I didn't have a worry on my mind as I drifted in and out of sleep.

That couldn't be said for another though. I heard my door open and close quietly. I couldn't help but smile as he came in and lay down on the rug next to my bed. Like he did every stormy night. I rolled over and looked at him on the floor as he put a blanket over himself.

"Scared Phil?" I asked, my voice not above a whisper. He jumped in surprise before giving me an annoyed look. His face relaxed a bit again soon though.

"Sorry min, did I wake you?" He asked and lied down. I smiled holding back a laugh and shook my head.

"No, not this time, or the time before and probably not the next either" I said. I couldn't help but smile slightly at his tired tone. It's not easy being afraid of water on a night like this. I can tell he's blushing just from the sound of his voice. I yawn and scoot over on the bed until I'm at the edge.

My eyes just started closing when I felt a dip in the other side. I smiled as I felt him lie down next to me. He was more relaxed to say the least. It wasn't long before I fell asleep again.

I woke up only a short while later to the sound of my door opening once again. The storm seemed to have settled down a bit outside with a few streaks of lightning here and there. Phil was completely asleep next to me and the only sounds in the room were of him snoring and the tap of small feet walking cautiously to the edge of the bed.

I propped myself up on an elbow and looked over to see Colin looking up with big eyes. He seemed small as he clutched his blanket and I couldn't help but notice he was shaking slightly from fear.

"Zombies again?" I asked in a gentle tone. He nodded quickly

"Alright, come on" I smiled slightly and pat the bed. He climbed up and proceeded to make his way to the middle. I laughed a little as he crawled over and then curled up. He was out in a matter of seconds again, wrapped like a burrito in his light blue blanket.

I smiled and lay back down.

It was a peaceful night I thought as I fell back asleep


A/n hi. I'm tired. Thought I'd post something here for once. I've got another one I'm working on that's another short and the updates should be out in about a week.

I've also been working on this for a while but like the last wasn't sure how to end it. Hope you liked it cause I'm going to bed now. Night! *yawns*

See ya foxes!

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