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There was a pounding in my head and something cold and metallic lying under me. I pushed myself up in confusion and looked at the steel bars and rods surrounding me. It looked like a bird cage from this angle. a bird cage with many, many more bars.

Another groan caught my attention. I looked over and Phil was sprawled out in one of the corners. I watched him sit up as gasped at him black eyes.

"Phil!" I ran over and hugged him. I was scared, I was confused and there was a pain blooming in my arm and the back of my right leg.

He grimaced at the hug but smiles quickly when I looked up.

"Where are we?" He asked looking around. I just shook my head.

It was then that a shadow fell over us and a cruel, heartless sounding laugh rang out behind us.

~~~~~ *earlier that day*


I yawned and rolled over. It was too early in the morning. What did Phil want now?

"go away" I mumbled and pulled the covers up further. Something felt heavy on the end of my bed but it was probably the blankets.

"Min!" he called again. I groaned and pulled them up even further. The blankets moved again as if being pulled off the bed so I grabbed them to stop it.

"It's too early Phil, leave me alone" I muttered starting to get annoyed. I heard him mutter something to himself and then the sound of him teleporting. I was too tired to wonder why he was teleporting.

"MIN!" I jumped and almost fell out of the bed as he screamed directly into my ear.

"Phil! Yes! I heard you the first few times! What do you-" I said sitting up. I glared but my anger turned to confusion. "um, Phil, what happened to you?" I asked.

He sat on the edge of my bed right next to my pillow glaring as well. But he was only three inches tall. That's not normal. At all.

"A spell went haywire" he explained "Morgan called me down to the basement and asked for my help. I said yes and next thing I know I was-" He stopped and motioned to his smaller self "This!"

I held in a laugh but couldn't surpress my smile. "So you're saying you're in-" he didn't give me a chance to finish the punchline.

"Don't! Don't you start too!" he yelled in frusteration "just- help me get back to normal!"

I smirked "but you're so small and cute now" I said just to mess with him. When else would I get a chance like this?! I couldnt let it go without a little teasing.

"That doesn't matter! I've got a date later with Bianca, I really need to get back to normal size, preferably now" he said as he started pacing on my bed. he seemed extremely stressed by all this.

My face dropped though when I heard this. "tonight?" I asked "I thought you scheduled it for a later date" I looked down at my sheets. this changed everything.

He stopped pacing to look at me confused. "yea today. what's wrong with that?" he asked. I sighed, he must've forgotten.

"What's the date?" I asked quietly, putting on a smile.

Phil stopped and you could almost see him start thinking. I know that was mean to say but you know that part. when someone has to think REALLY had about something and you can actually see the proses sod the wheels in their brain turning. that's kinda like what this moment was.

He stopped and his eyes widen "oh Min, I- I didn't mean it" he said with a pitying look "I totally forgot about the birthday dinner" he said plopping down on the bed to sit.

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