Random Creepypasta Idea #2

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I was walking through the forest. It was a pretty calm day. Unfortunatly I wasn't.

My old, film camera thumped against my chest as I wound my way down the forest path cursing out my life. The day had been a total disaster. Not only did all my friends hate me and my grades dropped because of that one stupid test but my parents were as angry and as mad as I'd ever seen them. I'm pretty sure if I hadn't gotten out of the house I would've been beat. Which would definitely have been a first.

Hence I was walking towards the middle of the forest with a small pac and my camera. Anything to relax after that fiasco, my heart was still racing from anger. Why didn't they trust me on this one? That french teacher seriously hates me. I try and everything but she still marks me down on it all! Ugh, no one seemed to understand anything. 

As I went deeper, it seemed to get darker. Odd, since it's still pretty scarce in the forest it doesn't usually get so dark. I looked up to see a cloud covering the sky. That's it, it'll be light again in a moment. I pushed it to the back of my mind and kept walking. As I started getting into the pine part of the forest it suddenly got colder as well. 

Rubbing my arms under my sweater I uncapped my camera and slipped the lens cover into my pocket. I plugged one of my ear buds and looked around. I had scoped out the area earlier and found a part in the forest where there was just the right gap, letting just the right ammount of light from above to illumnate an old, mossy oak stump big enough to be a seat. The tree itself lay right behind it surrounded by old pine needles shed by its neighbors and leaves that had blow in from the other trees in the forest. 


The click of the camera was a familliar, nice sound to me. It greeted me like an old friend, ready to find something awesome to capture for eternity. 


I smiled peering through the veiw finder at the scene. That'd definitly be one I'd hang on my wall right there. 

Snap! Snap!

I kept up taking pictures, wandering around at the same time to find more spots for a new view. I wandered down by the old pond, a spring mist gliding over the dock and water. 


a branch snapped behind me. I payed no attention though, too caught up in the view finder of my camera to bother and look behind me. 

The fog around me seemed to thicken and the music started to break off, like static. Weird, my ear buds were brand new. I quickly took my ear bud out, not wanting to get shocked. It's happened before and let me tell you, it's not fun. It hurts a lot.

I looked at the ear bud confused. Again, they're brand new. They shouldn't be acting up like this. I sighed and looked at the now darkening sky. Guess it was a time to go home.

I packed my camrea into the small bag I brought, unplugged the ear buds and put my iPod back in my pocket. I turned to start heading back up the trail as I wound the wires up but stopped. There was a shadow standing at the edge of my vision.

Slowly, I turned to look and my heart almost stopped. A man stood silently in front of me, staring at me but- he didn't have eyes. Or anything that looks like a face. It was just pale and fleshy looking. The most unsetting thing though was that he was abolutely still and wearing a black suit with a blood red tie. 

Everything started turning black, my vision started swimming before my eyes and I could only slightly feel myself falling. I took a step back and blinked hard. What was happening to me. I ripped my eyes away from the man and instead looked down at his feet. Almost an even bigger mistake. 

In the brush behind him stood what seemed to be a dog. Although I've never really seen a dog grinning with human teeth before. This couldn't turn out good.

Quickly I pulled out my iPod and looked between the two again. The humanoid seemed to be moving closer and the dog had disappeared. I was sure I was going to die.

The song kept playing on though, and it seemed to stop them in their tracks. 

"Let's get down to business
To defeat the Huns
Did they send you daughters
When I asked for sons?"

My face turned red. The demons in front of me stared- well I think the one without a face was staring- but they stared out at me as if I was the crazy one.

"You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through,
 I'll make a man
Out of you"

I threw my iPod at them before the song went even further. They all jumped back and I took that chance to run. 


My heart was still racing later that night. I thought for sure they would be coming for me. I didn't sleep a wink that night

When I woke up in the morning, there was a note on my counter and my iPod resting underneath it. I gingerly picked it up and pressed the home button. It was run dead. I turned my attention back to the note. It was written in sprawling, cursive letters.

"Thank you for the music. It's been so long since we've had something good to listen to. Unfortunately, we didn't have a charger so we returned it. Leave it in the forest once a week or we'll come back and kill you, understand? Thanks

Your friends until we get bored


P.S. get more sonata"

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