Chapter 14

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Before I knew it I was sitting on Kylie's coach, with Kylie pacing the floor in front of me.

My phone kept going off in my pocket. Knowing it most probably was Ricky I ignored it. It wasn't the right time to speak to him.

"Is that him?" Kylie asked, stopping suddenly where she was. I nodded, feeling like a frightened four year old.

"Give it to me, I want to speak to him." She put hand in front of me and I instantly handed over my phone.

She went upstairs but it didn't make any difference, I still could hear her shouting at him from downstairs.

I could hear everything, every single word that was being said. It didn't sound too good, to say the least.

I stayed where I was, I didn't move a muscle. I was too busy concentrating on what was being said upstairs.

Kylie was viscious. You wouldn't tell it from looking at her, or by talking to her normally. If cross her, than God help you.

Kylie was scary when she was like this. She was looking out for me, helping me even. I appreicated it.

Kylie came down half an hour later with my phone. She was completely calm considering she was shouting at Ricky down the phone a few seconds earlier.

She smiled and chucked my phone at me. "You should be fine now" she said sweetly.

I walked back in the dark, taking my time. I occasionally stopped to look up at the stars and smile, then carry on walking.

I arrived to find Ricky standing outside my hotel room door. "You're brave to still be here after that Kylie rant." I said walking past him to open my door.

"Its worth the risk" he said tugging at my arm so I turned back round to look at him. He quickly pulled me in closer and kissed me before I could protest.

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