Chapter XI: Someone Cheer For Me Too

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"They want us to serve our detention....In the Forbidden Forest night."

"Sounds like a you problem, little Malfoy," said Aglaia, leaning back in her seat.

This comment had caused Pansy Parkinson to stand up for Draco – why? No clue, it could hardly be considered an argument – and she started arguing with Aglaia instead.

The whole Slytherin dungeon could hear Pansy ranting. Her voice had reached a hellish pitch, as her long-harboured irritation with her dorm mate exploded in everyone's faces.

"Did you hear what I just said?"

"There's no need to repeat yourself. I ignored you just fine the first time."

"You are just jealous of me."

"Pansy, I honestly hope you'll go far, and I also really hope you stay there."

Knowing she'd never win a verbal altercation with Aglaia, she chose an option that was probably even worse, she pulled her wand on Aglaia.

Aglaia nearly cried with laughter, "You are joking, Pansy. You aren't pretty enough to be this stupid."

A weird light was shot at Aglaia, but before it could even reach her, it faltered. Not enough power behind the spell to cover the distance between Pansy and her opponent. Aglaia snorted. "I am terrified," she said sarcastically.

Pansy, red-faced and frustrated, shot another spell at Aglaia. More powerful than the last now that there was some true intent behind it. But still quite pathetic. Aglaia easily flicked it away with her wand.

Crabbe and Goyle egged Pansy on, and she seemed to take some strength from this. She furiously continued shooting spells at Aglaia. The dark-haired Black Heiress was doubtful any of those spells were more harmful than a simple Lumos Charm.

None of Pansy's jinxes came even close to harming Aglaia. Both thanks to the skill with which Aglaia deflected, and the lack of skill Pansy showcased. As amusing as Aglaia thought this was, she was growing rather bored. Even Draco seemed to be dying from second-hand embarrassment.

The wand in Aglaia's hand was vibrating with excitement. It was waiting eagerly for its mistress to finally fight back. And Aglaia was more than willing to appease her most prized possession. "Expelliarmus!" Aglaia chanted the Disarming Charm. The one she had recently mastered with the help of the Duelling Club.

The effect was instant and successful. Pansy's wand was pulled from her hand, flew through the air where Aglaia caught it with great precision.

The entire common room whistled and clapped, "Excellent spellwork, Black!" a fellow Duelling Club member called out.

"I'll take this," smirked Aglaia. "After all, you don't use it properly anyway."

She waved it in Pansy's face for a moment, and before Pansy could physically pounce on her, she bound her legs together and Pansy fell face-first onto the floor.

The room roared with laughter. Aglaia did enjoy putting up a show when forced. 

There were two options now for Pansy. One, she could wait for Aglaia to give her wand back to her or maybe find a way to take it back.

Two, she could go and snitch on her. Telling a teacher about Aglaia attacking her and taking her wand.

Now, Aglaia would have respect for people who'd go for option one. She'd even admire Pansy's resourcefulness if she managed to take her wand from her.

However, Aglaia had no respect for Pansy. And never would. And therefore, she was certain that Pansy would break the Slytherin code and betray one of their own. It was really quite lucky Pansy challenged her in the Slytherin common room. Everyone now knew what had happened. If Slytherin was docked points, they'd know who had turned her in. And that would not go down well with the fraternity-loving Slytherins.

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