Trust Takes Years To Build.... Seconds To Break.....

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Elise P.O.V

I had a choice to either end it all at that moment or to choose to be immortal and live a life as a vampire. I chose to live the immortal life instead. I didn’t feel it was my time to end it all with Marcel being so kind and assuring me that he would help me with the transition. When I drank blood for the first time I was frighten as Marcel stalked a young woman then compelled her not to scream. I couldn’t bring myself around to bite into her flesh. Marcel had told me that my time was running out that I needed to do this. I couldn’t do this to this poor girl she appeared to be the same age as myself, an innocent girl just taking a walk. I knew that Marcel was trying to help me but I couldn’t do this to an innocent, so I refused to drink from her and began to walk away.

I could hear Marcel calling my name to go back to him. I couldn’t do this I couldn’t become vampire maybe it was my time for me to leave this world. My legs began to give way and I held on to the wall. I knew I was getting weaker by the moment and I didn’t have much time left.

“Elise You need to feed” I heard Marcel from behind me, then he helped me stand up straight “Your fading away Elise you need blood. She won’t feel a thing I compelled her.” He cupped my face to make me look at him “You need to feed Elise.” Marcel spoke firmly. I knew he was right but I couldn’t do that to that girl. Regardless of him compelling her then healing her I just couldn’t do that. I was about to speak and something caught my eye. I watched two men walking on the other side of the sidewalk, there both looked familiar to me. Then it hit me that the both of them were part of that group that attacked me last night. I felt anger and rage as I walked the both of them laughing as they walked freely down the street. It was like what they did to me didn’t mean a thing that they left me for dead was a joke to them “Elise.” I felt Marcel shake me I looked at him “Please just feed.” He pleaded once more. I didn’t know why Marcel was being so kind to me. Or the fact he was concerned about whether I lived or died.

“I’ll feed. But not her.” I spoke to him weakly it was difficult to talk now my throat felt dry. “I want those two.” Marcel looked at me a little confused. He followed my gaze and looked over at the two men.  “They were part of that group who did this to me” I watch Marcel face turn from a normal expression into pure rage. He placed me on a wooden create.

“Wait here.” Before I could say anything he was gone. I tried to see where he went but my eyes kept on wanting to close. All I wanted was to fall asleep I felt tried like I couldn’t do this anymore, I heard a loud bang and my eyes flew opened. I saw Marcel in front of me with one of the men in his grip. While the other one was unconscious on the floor. “Do you remember her now?” Marcel growled then bit into his throat as he did the man let out a blood curding scream. Marcel pulled away and I could see the blood oozing out the smell aroused something within me.

I felt a strange sensation come over me my gums began to ache, my face began to tighten up. All I wanted was that ruby red blood with whatever strength I had I lunged at the man. I bit into his throat hungrily tearing away through his flesh, as the blood trickled down my throat I felt myself getting stronger. I bit into him harder as I wanted more I crave for more blood I wanted him to feel the pain I felt after what they did to me. I heard a tearing noise and suddenly his head fell to the ground. I didn’t feel guilt or sorrow for what I did to him, if anything I felt more alive than ever. My attention when to the other man. He stood there with fear in his eyes while Marcel restrained him while he pleaded.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I watched as tears fell from his eyes “Please I have a family.” He cried out the old me would of buckled up with those words. But these two men along with their friends didn’t think of what they did to me how it would be on my family if I had a family. I wasn’t going to give him no mercy.

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