III | Distraught and Deranged

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three. Distraught and Deranged

 Distraught and Deranged

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THE MAKESHIFT BAR SLASH fighting arena. The lighting was horribly dim and shoddy, but they had alcohol. Which was about the only still keeping him here before he hit the road. He tossed his leather jacket and a fresh shirt back on a while ago, so they couldn't not serve him. Maybe give him a discount for winning all the matches tonight, though he doubted it.

He rounded the barstool, sliding on the scratched up cushion before tilting his chin at the bartender. Parting his lips around a cigar, "I'll have a beer."

Logan glanced over the bar, his eyes catching on a young girl covering her face with a black hoodie. He was going to glance away, mind his own business. In fact, he dug out some cash for the beer he was drinking ahead of time. Wanting to get in and get out.

Except, someone sat down beside him, invading his personal space. He lifted his head, going to tell whoever it was off. But he paused when saw the dream girl again. He stilled, glancing around to see if anyone else saw her too, but none paid attention to his area of the bar. Not even the young girl was looking his way.

He furrowed his brows, subtly waving his hand in front of her face. Logan almost jumped when she smiled in amusement. Placing a hand over his own, she pushed it to the table top.

The Wolverine was shook that she could touch him. Was she actually there with him? "She's so young," Her voice serenade him.

He followed her gaze to the teen with narrowed, suspicious eyes. His voice nothing but a whisper, as if to not seem crazy for talking to someone he didn't even know if was actually here with him. "Up to no good, no doubt."

The hand on top of his own gave it a squeeze, drawing his eyes back to her chocolate orbs. "Or running and in need of some food. Feed her." She implored before disappearing altogether. Logan groaned underneath his breath, shaking his head to clear his mind of her.

He was getting tired of this guardian angel type illusion. Especially because he didn't believe he needed or deserved one. He was no good from the start. If he would have someone on his shoulder, it would be the devil himself, leading him onward.

The television drew him away from his thoughts as a beer was slid in front of him. The woman and her request pushed to the back of his mind as he lifted the bottle to his lips.

"Ellis Island, once the arrival point for hundreds of thousands of America immigrants, is opening its door again. Preparations are nearly completed for the upcoming United Nations World Summit. With nearly every invitation confirmed, the event promises to be the largest single gathering of world leaders in history.

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