VI | Those Who Seek

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six. Those Who Seek


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XIMENA STARTED OFF THE MORNING in a full blown sprint out of her tent. It was early. The sun was just about to rise and the crinkles were nodding off to sleep. Her breath was rushed, exhaling faster than she could get the oxygen within her lungs.

The Doctor just had to get away. Get away from her nightmares and that of Jean's too. She didn't know how she differentiated hers from Jean's, but they were jarring and catastrophic all the same. Ximena's dreams were terrifying, but predictable for what she had witnessed. Jean's however, were pure, uncontrollable tragedies. All of her worst fears, toppled onto, weaving within, scattering around each other in a reckless and wild way. Ximena had never seen anything like it.

And while, she was struggling to handle her own issues. Ximena was left panting, gasping for air as her mind was overloaded with Jean's issues as well.

Speaking it out loud wasn't something she was willing to do just yet. She just needed to run -- get out for some fresh air. Force herself to go through her problems instead of avoiding them.

She pressed her hands into a tree, stopping her run in an abrupt halt. Her palms were pricked from the bark. Moss crawling up into her fingernails as she curled her fingers into a tight fist.

Sweat sprouted from her forehead, sticking her dark strands to her temples as she squeezed her eyes shut. Sucking in a deep breath, she practically swallowed it, letting out a shuddering breath as her shoulders slightly shook. Now that she could finally breathe, her thoughts were starting to clear.

Her cocoa brown eyes flickering up to the vibrant spruce housing many species of wildlife. Who knew the tree could hold her deepest secrets too. Her scattered epiphanies. Her treacherous whispers. When she calmed, she flipped onto her back and sagged against the rigid trunk. Lips parted in exasperation.

"Didn't sleep well?" Ximena had grown far too familiar with that voice. Despite being in a temporary stand still with him, she knew only his voice could cause her heart to pick up and her anxiety to mellow at the same time.

She lifted her droopy gaze to his handsome face. He was more put together than her, appearance wise. However, his eyes had never been more red rimmed and unfocused. Ximena didn't dare think aloud that Logan had indeed been crying, but the thought did linger in the back of her mind in a curious stereo.

Shaking her head mutely, she observed him. He meandered closer, kicking his foot as the rocks here and there. His hands tucked into his jeans as his eyebrows furrowed in a contemplative pause. "Yeah... me neither."

"Really? I'd think you'd be sleeping like a baby now that you don't have to share the bed with anyone." Ximena could help but be petty. She recalled what he told her a while back and only now did she truly feel the gravity of his words then.

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