IV | Crimes Against Humanity

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four. Crimes Against Humanity

 Crimes Against Humanity

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THE AIR CONDITIONING BLEW harshly against Ximena's face as she got herself situated in Scott's car. They were on the run and she had no shoes, was wearing shorts and a loose hoodie. She could feel the dried blood on her face, speckled and most likely disturbing. Some was hers from healed scratches but most were from her opponents. It wasn't conventional in any sense but she made due with what she had.

Taking down her half-assed pony tail, she fluffed her hair out before throwing it back up neatly. She could feel Logan's eyes on her, glancing every now and again. "Aye, eyes on the road." She chided, readjusting her shorts to come down her exposed thighs a little more.

"Gross," john muttered with a grimace, staring out the window with a downturned scowl. Bobby nudged him with his elbows jokingly, snorting in amusement. "What the hell was that back there?"

Logan clenched his jaw, stepping on the gas as the tires screeched. "Stryker. His name is Stryker."

"He's who we've been looking for?" Ximena eyed him, frowning subtly. She wanted to reach out to him, touch his hand to show she was here although her presence was apparent. However, she didn't know how to approach Logan lately. She was able to get to him earlier, but this was still a sensitive subject.

He shook his head once, conflicted. "I can't remember."

"Where are we going?" Marie asked, popping her head between the two front seats.

Ximena shook her head, furrowing her eyebrows in thought. "I don't know. I would say my house, but there are people there who could be put in the line of fire if we're made." Logan nodded in agreement, remembering her safe house they visited while searching for answers this passed year.

Adora and her little girl, Catalina we're great along with everyone else. They weren't any of his friends personally, but somehow he still felt a certain obligation to look out for Ximena's friends.

She flicked a certain switch on Scott's dashboard, satisfied when the CD player slid open to reveal a hidden compartment.

"What's that?" Logan grabbed for the communicator in the dash board, flipping it around in his hand with confusion drawing his brows together.

"A way to get help," Ximena muttered, taking it from his hand to dial it correctly. She held it to her ear and grumbled when she got no response. "Jean and Ororo must be away from the jet. They're in Boston, we'll have to find somewhere to stay to keep under the radar."

"We'll head that way," Logan nodded in agreement, taking the appropriate turn down the road.

Bobby grimaced, casting his eyes down as Logan eyed him in the rearview. "My parents live in Boston."

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