VII | The Chasm

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seven. The Chasm


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STRKYER'S FACILITY WAS IRON CLAD but it wasn't impenetrable. Ximena knew this was true when Raven got into the compound without a bat of her eyelashes. Their defenses were weak and because of this, the team was able to walk in unscathed.

The large spillway doors opened per Raven's assistance and Ororo knew it was her cue. Her eyes clouded over with the familiar opaque white as the winds suddenly picked up. Lightning struck, charging up the atmosphere. The grunt-men didn't know what hit them when the team stormed in, determination in their eyes.

Ximena and Jean secured the walkways, knocking the operatives out while Erik tore the metal door to the control room clean off its bolted hinges. Sparks flew and the metal screeched an unappealing sound. Revealing Raven once more.

Jean suddenly dropped the guys she was levitating, pushing them away as her attention was now elsewhere. "Have you found it?" Erik called out as they walked into the control room.

Ximena glanced at the cameras, narrowing her eyes on the points of conflict on their journey to the Professor.

"A large portion of energy from the dam, has been diverted to this chamber." Mystique turned the monitor, typing away to showcase the specific point of entry. Ximena muttered lowly to herself that this was where they were holding the Professor.

"There it is," Erik agreed.

"Can you shut it down from here?" Ororo questioned, frowning intently.


"Come. There's little time –" Magneto urged, turning on his heel, but Jean crossed her arms over her chest, pursing her lips.

"Not without us." He shared a dubious look with Raven, the same time Jean shared a knowing one with Ximena. They weren't stupid. Erik was up to his schemes, that was clear as day.

"Everyone, do as we had planned. Any mistakes, change it. We've got no room for error. Got that?" Ximena tilted her chin up towards the infamous Lensherr, challenging him to protest otherwise. All her attention was focused on this mission not on anything else more disconcerting. Her personal problems couldn't get in the way, so she avoided them until this current issue was proven long resolved.

"The children are being held in a containment cell one level down," Raven directed to Ororo, giving them their location before stepping beside her point of alliance.

"Aye Captain," Erik chided sarcastically, leading the way down the hall.

She rolled her eyes before following, noting that Logan had already left to fulfill his side of the action. What concerned her about his whereabouts was that he left his intercom sitting on the dashboard discarded. The sight left a bitter taste in her mouth, but she carried on. Logan could handle himself fine.

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