°Chapter ten°

931 56 103

Tw//mentions of self harm

After two more rounds of working with the same partners, Mark noticed Donghyuck starting to get tired so he began throwing more slowly, but still powerful enough for the younger to continue.

It's not that Donghyuck was getting tired, but it was the fact that he was feelings nauseous again from taking too many hits to the stomach.

If he didn't feel this way, Donghyuck could have been throwing much faster and harder to keep up with Mark's pace, but his hunger and weakness started getting the best of him.

The bell of the clock went off, signalling that the round was now over. Johnny went over to shut the clock off, informing everybody to get a sip of water.

"Get a drink of water and take off your equipment. We're wrapping up for the day. You have a few minutes before we line up and close out," Johnny told the class.

"Yes, sir!" They simultaneously shouted.

Mark quickly took his gloves off, throwing on the floor to the side, making his way in front of Donghyuck. He grabbed the younger's wrist and unstrapped the male's leather gloves, keeping both in his hands while picking up his own gloves.

"I can do it, Mark. Let me help you," Donghyuck insisted and retrieved his own gloves from the older's grasp while Mark smiled.

"Come on, Hyuck!" Jeno called out, holding the ropes so that the younger had room to climb in between.

Donghyuck looked back at Mark, his eyes holding an emotion that he couldn't tell what it was, and left the ring with the help of Jeno.

Jisung ran up to his older brother and handed him his water bottle, Donghyuck grabbing it while thanking him.

He took a quick sip and put his water bottle down along with his gloves against the wall. He undid his shinguards and put them besides his other equipment as well.

The younger was drenched in sweat and he felt gross, but at least he knows it's a good sign that he actually worked out good today.

He stood in line between his dad and Jeno as they waited for the rest of the students to stand in their positions as well.

A few more minutes and everyone was in their designated spots in line. Johnny closed out the class, giving everybody a high five with the line following in suit, showing humbleness towards their classmates.

Once everybody congratulated and thanked each other, they started to pack up their things.

Donghyuck walked over to pick up his equipment. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, he jumped and turned around.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," Jeno apologized and the younger only shook his head.

"It's okay," he responded.

"I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to upset you," Jeno said, looking at the younger's eyes with sincerity.

"No, don't apologize. You were only doing what my dad asked you to do, which was the right thing to do. If anybody should be apologizing, it should be me. I was being insensitive and disrespectful," Donghyuck lowered his head in guilt, but Jeno only lifted the boy's chin up with his finger.

"You had every right to be upset, so you don't have to apologize either," Jeno showed his famous eye smile.

Donghyuck averted his eyes from Jeno's elsewhere, not being able to keep eye contact for too long.

Final Round ⟨Markhyuck⟩ ||CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now