°Chapter fifteen°

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Tw//mentions of suicide

The four boys had woken up from their deep slumber as Jeno and Mark's fathers had barged into their room, pushing back the curtains, flickering the lights on and off, and throwing pillows that somehow fell on the floor during their sleep at the boys.

"Wakey wakey, boys! Today is the day!" Jaehyun hollered as the four now awakened boys groaned, rubbing their eyes.

It was too early for this and by early, Donghyuck meant eleven in the morning. Yeah, that's way too early. Donghyuck covered his ears with his hands as he moved around, finding the warmth of Mark's body next to him, he snuggled closer to the older who pulled the boy on top of him.

Jeno and Jisung had already gotten up, looking at their own brothers as their parents stood there with their arms crossed and smirks plastered on their faces.

Mark groggily opened his eyes, blinking once or twice before fully opening them. He saw his parents standing beside his bed, Taeyong with a camera, snapping photos of the two cuddly boys in bed.

"Dad what are you doing?" Mark shrieked in surprise and his father only laughed.

"I can't help it. You guys are too cute. I have to take pictures for memories," Taeyong responded, taking a few more pictures before backing away.

Mark rolled his eyes playfully, caressing the back of Donghyuck's head as the boy just laid there.

"Start getting ready. We have to check Jisung in by two. The venue and seating opens at six," Jaehyun informed the fours boys who nodded their heads in confirmation, though Donghyuck's head never left the crook of Mark's neck as the younger planted small innocent kisses.

Mark and Jeno's parents left the room for the teenagers to get ready. Jeno and Jisung deciding on getting ready first since it didn't look like Mark and Donghyuck were going to get up any time soon.

"Channie, we have to get out of bed now," Mark told the younger softly who only whined, causing Mark to giggle.

"Don't want to," was all Donghyuck said, his voice sounding a bit raspy as he hadn't spoken since he woke up, Mark blushed slightly.

Ignoring Donghyuck's protests, Mark sat up as the younger was now curled into a ball on the older's lap. Donghyuck pushed himself away from Mark to look at the older with a pout.

Mark thought the younger looked absolutely adorable. His face slightly puffy, his eyes a little red from crying last night, and his lips partly swollen from their shared kisses. Mark pecked Donghyuck's pout away, the younger blushing from the action and shyly looking away.

"Are you feeling a little better today?" Mark asked and Donghyuck had forgotten all about his problems until Mark had just asked him about them now.

Donghyuck froze on the spot, his mind clouding with constant negative thoughts about him and his appearance. Donghyuck wanted to run away from Mark, specifically from the negativity.

Is Mark just toying with him? Is he faking his feelings towards the younger?

His parents don't care about him at all, nobody does. Everybody is lying to him. He's not going to fall for it, he won't do that.

Mark must have sensed the younger's uneasiness and quickly pulled the tanned male, cupping his cheeks, in for a short but sweet kiss.

"Donghyuck, I'm here. I love you so much. I can assure you that," Mark held the boys cheeks close to his face as Donghyuck's eyes started to water.

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