°Chapter thirteen°

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Tw//character decline, mentions of manipulation, suicidal thoughts(not really though??)

Donghyuck shivered in the cool October breeze. He really shouldn't have came out here, but he has too much pride to just go back inside when he's only been there for twenty minutes, not even a half hour yet.

Just then he feels something wrap around his shoulders, what seems to be a sweater.

"Go away, Mark," Donghyuck sighed.

Donghyuck jumped off of the swing in reaction and turned around, there standing the blonde haired boy, one of his friends he's become a bit closer with these past few weeks with Mark.

Donghyuck's face was shocked, not expecting to see Jeno standing in front of him with a smile.

"Even though we're twins, we don't look alike. I'm hurt that you confused me with him," Jeno dramatically placed a hand over his chest, pretending to be sad which caused Donghyuck to giggle.

Flashbacks to Jeno's conversation with Mark a few weeks ago replayed in the blondes mind.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Jeno asked as he tackled Mark on the couch, the older yelling and pushing the younger off who was laughing.

"Don't do that! You could have broke my bones" Mark playfully claimed and Jeno only rolled his eyes as they sat up correctly, both of them knowing that they're equally strong.

"Anyways, it's about Donghyuck," Mark said nervously, a blush spreading over his cheeks while Jeno wiggled his eyebrows.

"What about h-"

"Do you like him? Because if you do, can you not?" Mark blurted out, sounding better in his head than the nonsense that just came out of his mouth.

Jeno laughed.

"Of course I like him. Why don't you want me to like him?" Jeno provoked the older who was starting to get a little irritated at Jeno's playfulness.

"Because I like him," Mark confessed and the younger smirked.

"That's cool. We both like him. He's a good friend, isn't he?" Jeno continued smirking, purposefully getting the older annoyed so that Mark can actually admit his love for the tanned male, even though Jeno had gotten the clue a while ago.

"No- I mean of course he's a good friend, but I like him more than a friend!" Mark admitted, getting frustrated with himself.

Seeing Mark like this was something Jeno rarely saw. The older was rather strong and didn't really show his emotions out to the public eye, but Jeno knew him like the back of his hand.

Jeno smiled and waited patiently as Mark continued to ramble on about adorable Donghyuck is until the older finally admits it, admits that he's in love with the tanned male.

"I'm in love with him dammit! That's why I don't want you to like him! But of course, that's selfish of me. You have feelings, everybody does so that's not fair of me to just force someone not to like someone else romantically. Your feelings are definitely valid so that's not what I'm trying to say!" Mark maunders in panic, not wanting his brother to take it the wrong way.

"Relax," Jeno simply said, placing a hand on Mark's shoulders.

"I don't like Donghyuck like that. I see him as a friend and I'll support your relationship with him," Jeno grinned, his eyes turning to crecants and Mark sighed out of relief, pulling the younger into a hug.

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