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It was dark. No lights. Nothing. That's what I saw until I opened my eyes. I could see me in my dark room. I looked at my phone to see it's 2:59 am. I sighed. I got onto my phone trying to text my best online friends Iveth, and Clay. None of them answered. Of course they didn't, it's 4:59 for Iveth and it's 5:59 for Clay.

I was scrolling through tiktok. It turned 3:01am, May 2nd. But once that happened...


I heard a window break. It came from the living room. I quickly took my phone and hid in my very messy closet. I hid under a bunch of shit I tossed in.

I heard running. I heard a gunshot in my mom's room. I hear painful screams coming from my grandma's room. I suspect they used a knife because there was no gunfire. I quietly called 9-1-1.

911 what's your emergency?

I pressed 55 because I heard that if you pressed 5 twice it lets the caller know you can't speak or talk.

My door opened. I was silently crying, praying to god that the police would come quickly.

"I know you're in here kid." A voice said.


I got scared once I heard a shot. I was crying even more now. "Come out little girl. We won't hurt you...we promise..." the same voice said. I heard police sirens. "What the hell? Why are the police here already?" Again the same voice. "GREENFIELD IS A SMALL ASS TOWN WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!" A different voice said. I heard the closet door open quickly. I think they were looking everywhere in the closet. I was so scared.

Gunshots were around me. One almost hit me. "TIM WE GOTTA GO!" The other voice yelled at so called 'Tim'. "BRIAN WE GOTTA KILL THE KID!" Tim said to Brian. I quickly took a picture of them. Good thing flash wasn't on. One of them had a mask, he had brown hair, a jacket, and some jeans. The other guy had a yellow hoodie on, a ski mask with red eyes and a red unhappy smile.

The police were here. "TIM LETS GO!" Brian said. "Ugh...you live this time kid.." Tim told me. Then I heard my window break.

Running coming from the hallway and busted down my door. "POLICE! SHOW YOURSELF!" Someone said. The closet door opened and I heard a girl voice. "Sweetie are you in here?". I came out slowly. I saw a girl police officer. She was a African American woman. She had Hazel eyes and a darkish lightish braided hair. "I FOUND HER!" She yelled. More policemen came in. They took me out of the closet.

When they took me into the hallway I can see through grandma's and mom's rooms opened. I can see my mom's body laying on her bed, blood coming out of her forehead. Then I see grandma's room. I saw blood everywhere in her room. Blood was coming out of her chest. I started hyperventilating and crying. I was having a panic attack. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. This isn't real. I kept repeating that until I blacked out. All of a sudden I was in the ambulance.

The nurses saw me waking up. "SHE'S AWAKE!" One nurse said. I immediately started to shake, and glitch violently. The nurses were holding me down. I was screaming: help, let me go, give me link, and where's my mom. I was still screaming. One nurse tried to put a shot in me to make me fall asleep. I can sense when something bad is going to happen, I turned to the nurse who had a shot in her hand. "NO! LET ME GO! DON'T DRUG ME!" I screamed at her. They put the shot in me anyways. I started to calm down and blacked out again.

I woke up at the hospital. I sat up quickly. Looking everywhere wondering where am I. I see my Tia's, somehow my cousins, my Tio's, and...my dad...

My dad saw me first and ran up to the door of the room. "DOCTOR HURRY SHES AWAKE!" He yelled. A doctor came in. Everyone was crying.

The doctor checked my pulse. I was scared, traumatized, and confused.

After they checked me I had to stay overnight just in case. One of my cousins that were actually visiting from Texas tried talking to me. I didn't want to say anything. I didn't even want to speak. "Tati talk to me! Your favorite cousin! Please!" He said. I just wanted to be alone. He just kept trying to talk to me. I never budged.

The doctor came in, he told everyone that I might not recover from the trauma I got. Some of my Tia's started to cry. My dad just looked down. My cousins were sad. I can tell.

I eventually fell asleep.

Alex's POV

Then I woke up.

"Ugh another dream about that..." I told myself. "That fucking memory keeps me up at night...speaking of night...what time is it?" I said while grabbing my phone. It's 1:47. "damn" I said. "This memory came early. That's new." I said.

I put in my green headphones my Tia gave me. It had a silver spot in the middle in the shape of a circle. I started listening to music. For some reason I felt someone staring at me. So I looked at my book shelf and saw a pair of reddish eyes. I started glitching. I shined my flashlight at it. Nothing. It showed nothing. "What the hell?! Why was there a pair of red eyes?" I whispered screamed. I turned off my flashlight and the pair of eyes were gone. Thank god. I just go on my phone trying to get that off my mind

Tomorrow is a new day

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