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Alex's POV

All I could see was white. All I saw was a door in front of me, hesitating I opened it. This...this is a memory I thought to myself walking through the door. I see younger me with mom...

"Mom I don't like pink!" Mini me said. "Well that's too damn bad! You're a girl! Be feminine!" Mom said. Little me started to silently cry. Mom smacks younger me-s head. "Oh suck it up! It's just clothing it's not like it's going to hurt you!" Mom said. Little me just nods her head. "Y-yes ma'am..." she said. I remember this now..mom forced me to wear pink and change my whole wardrobe because I'm too tomboyish. She still bought me darker clothes but she doesn't approve of it. She didn't approve of me nor my identity. She was...strict. She calls it tough love...it never felt like love though... "Be a girl! What's what you are!" Mom yelled. "But I wanna dress the way I wanna dress! Not this!" Little me said. Then she just ran out the door. I wanted to run after myself but the white came back again. Another door. I thought to myself. I opened it and again it was a memory. But this one...I hated so much.

Young Alex's POV

I was at the hospital. The same hospital that I was in before Tata died. I was in a hospital bed with the thing drawing my blood and into a bag. It was the first floor in the mental health/care section. All I could smell is strong hand-sanitizer, blood, and tears. Mom just looked at me and said, "Why? Just why? Are you doing this for attention?! Because if it is then this is a very expensive attention Ale." I just sat there and said, "it's not attention. Mom I'm not faking-" I was going to say more but I got interrupted by her. "Then tell me! What's wrong?! I gave you a therapist and a school counselor! What? Is that not enough?! What were you thinking?! People are going to think that you're crazy!" Mom said angrily at me. I started to silently cry once more. "I-I'm not faking...please believe me!" I said with tears streaming down my face. "Are you sure?! Because your cousin faked being abused by her own mother because of an assignment that she didn't do!" Mom said. "But I'm not her!" I said still crying. "IF YOU ARE FAKING SO HELP ME ALESSANDRA!" Mom was yelling. She stood up and started getting closer to me like she was going to hit me. My reflexes came in and I blocked my face from her. The doctor came in. The doctor looked at me crying and looked back at my mom. "Miss Montoya? We like to have a talk with you," the doctor said. My mom grabbed her purse and left me.

Alex's POV

Now this, this hurts. Thinking back on it now I was hopeless back then. I know what's going to happen next. I thought. Younger me was just spacing into space, glitching and all. Suddenly she snapped out because a man was screaming. "FUCK YOU! LET ME GO!" He was yelling. Younger me was paying attention to the yelling. I just hugged her. She might not see me but the least I could do is touch her. The yelling became more aggressive and more violent. "I'LL KILL YOU! I HATE YOU BITCH!" Younger me put her hands on her ears to try to block out the yelling. This unlocked a memory from years ago. A trigger....Crying violently she was. She was crying very loudly and violently. A nurse saw her and she asked, "Are you okay sweetie?!" She just rapidly shake her head 'no'. The doctor then told a police officer something. That same police officer came into the room and he saw her crying. He just comforted her. "Hey kid you're going to be alright! He's not going to hurt you," The policeman said. "HES GOING TO HURT ME!! *sniff* HES SCARING ME IM SCARED *sniff* PLEASE IM SCARED!" Younger me just yells. The policeman was worried. Then he went outside and closed the door. All we could hear was, "BE QUIET YOU'RE SCARING A LITTLE GIRL. SHE'S TRAUMATIZED BECAUSE OF YOU!" And another yell "SHUT UP I'M GOING TO KILL YOU AND THE GIRL!" Which causes younger me to cry even more, and louder. She was hurt, hurt so badly in a way that I can't describe. Black filled the room.

Again, a white out.

Then I woke up. I checked the time and it was 00:00/12:00am. "Wow I woke up hella early," I said to myself. Good thing it's the weekend. I wanted to leave my bed to get something to eat but for some reason, I was stuck. I couldn't move a muscle. It's like I was paralyzed. My bones wouldn't work, my arms numb, my eyes are the only things that can move at the moment. I turned my eyes to the right and I see someone. Eyes bright red, boy-like figure, ears sharp as knives, a grinning smile wide. I was scared. It just tilted it's head slightly still smiling. Squinting it's eyes with that smile it said, "Hi Glitchy..." then it disappears. My body finally able to move I jerked up, fear in my body I just stared at my hands. Cold...all I was...I was cold. Shivering and shaking I was. Wait...it said, Glitchy. Only BD calls me... as I was thinking I slowly realized...the thing was in front of me. The bright red eyes, the pointy ears, the wide grin, all of it is all up in my face like a clingy Yandere. It scared me, again shaking with fear. It says, "You shouldn't have done that...".

Then I woke up all sweaty and scared. Jesus Christ. What kind of fucked up dream was that? Oh what was the dream about Glitchy? That voice...it made me gasp with fear. Hyperventilating I recognize that voice from my odd dream. That THING was BD. It scared me knowing that the own voice in my head was a monster. BD was..a monster. Then, I remembered.

I quickly ran to my sketch book and flipped every page until I find the mansion drawing. I quickly looked at the boy and then...it hit me. The pointy ears, the smile, the ears...that monster had those features. It also said 'Hi Glitchy' which only BD calls me.

Scared. All I am is..scared.

Tomorrow is a new day

1̸8̸ m̸o̸t̸e̸ d̸a̸y̸s̸

(I always skip a few days or weeks so bare with my timeline here)

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