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Daddy never wanted to be with me nor with my other siblings I wonder why? He always said that he wanted a girl so she can get 'special' care from him. Maybe I should be a girl so he can finally care for me...

Edward's POV

Now time for the plan. I started to get the blueprints of the school to mark all my exit points and hiding places.

I start thinking of my entrance of going in the building. I thought about going through the front office and say that I'm picking up Ale..even though she's dead they're still going to call her teacher and ask for her. After they say she's not here I'll simply say, "oh I know. She's dead along with you." And pull out my gun and shoot the person at the desk and...well I'll leave the rest to my imagination for now.

As I mark all of the exits and hiding spots I began to look at the collection of guns I have. I began to look at each one by one. Out of 400 guns in the room I chose my best gun. I chose my classic Ruger Wrangler Silver. The 2002 version. As I put the bullets in each of the little rounds I put more bullets in a container in my pockets.

The day goes by rather quickly and the sun slowly goes down. I made myself dinner and sat at the table. While eating I felt a presence near me. It feels like a presence with anger and weakness at the moment. I've felt this before when I was with Ale. I quickly turn around and saw her in front of me with no eyes just pure black and blood dripping down her mouth and chest. Covered in dirt and mud her little pupils roll in the front of her eyes and smiled at me. Then she pounced at me jumping with full force. But when I blinked..she was gone. Her presence wasn't there anymore.

She's taunting me. I thought to myself. I never believed in ghosts but whatever the fuck that was..it wasn't human.

I decided that I wasn't hungry anymore and put what's left over on my plate in a container to save for another day.

As I got ready for bed I couldn't help but go into her room, so I did. I walk into her room and turn on her LED lights. It was green lighting and the color of it made the room turn green. I looked at the blood in the spot she died in. The wall and floor covered in crimson red blood. An outline of a body of a 12 year old. I notice her little plushie. For some reason I walked up to it and picked it up. It reminds me of The legend Of Zelda. Oh I remember playing it with my best friend on his game console back then. He and I were great friends.

"Oh the memories I had with him...wonder how he's doing up stairs.." I say the last part under my breath. I put the little Link down back on her bed and look at the pictures on the wall. It had her in it along with me long ago when she was just 8. I look at it and couldn't help but smile at it. I moved onto the next pictures. One had her mother and me. Another had her and her little friends. One of Christ of course. I look over to the other wall and see a corner full of drawings she did. And I must say that her drawings were amazing. I go back to the middle of the room and take everything in. As I was done I began to walk out just to hear "daddy daddy! Can I climb up the tree?" "Of course baby girl! You can climb the tree." I quickly turned around but nothing was there. That little taunting bitch. I thought to myself.

"I know you're there Ale. If you didn't get the hint when I killed you the first time how about I'll teach ya again in the next," I said going back into the room. I felt her behind me and quickly looked behind me and what I saw scared the living monster out of me. It was her staring right into my eyes with one fully black eye and the other fully white with blood coming down the white eye and green acid coming out the next. She was smiling at me with dirt and blood on her. She had a broken neck and the bone was sticking out where an Adam's apple is supposed to be if she was male. With her wicked smile she tilted her crooked neck to the left popping her neck. As she smiled she smiled bigger and bigger ear to ear. She squinted her eyes as her smile got bigger. Then she goes back to her normal position and said to me, "hi".

Then I woke up sweating and shaking. I look around the room to find no one there. I quickly calm myself down and started to breath in and out.

Out of curiosity I went out of bed and went into her room. As I opened the door I see dirt in the same spot I was before I woke up. With a shocked look on my face I began to think if it was a hallucination. Am I going more crazier then what I was? I thought over and over again.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went back to bed. As I got into my bed I began to wonder if it was a hallucination. Only the universe would know. But I go to sleep with a smile on my face to know that my plan will take off tomorrow.

Nothing is stopping me to make this plan work.

Not even her nor her hallucinations.

Tomorrow will be history.

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