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Alex's POV

As the days go by the wound heals but the scars that I placed there by my very own hands never fade away. It's like I was asking for it, and I was. I asked for this, and I got it but it quickly slipped from my hands the moment I saw him before I blacked out. The more I stare at the scar the more I rethink about my life and the trauma and pain that went along as well.

I didn't stare at it anymore not wanting to think about it. July is almost here and I graduated from 6th grade with my four best friends. Oh how I love summer. Summertime is when kids go out and hang with friends, where families go by the beach, where others just stay inside and just lay down. My summer is...not good. You see, Dad has gotten worse. He's been abusing me more and more. He tells me that mother should've gotten the abortion when she had the chance. I mean..I've always knew I was a mistake, no lie can get through me. I knew from the start that they didn't want me. Honestly, the hardest part about this summer is BD. He's been more...creepy..lately. I can hear the happy salesman's laugh from the game Majora's mask. It's always in my head. For some reason I feel like it's connected to BD somehow.

I wake up as usual. I looked at my phone and it's 6/30/2021. I've became more depressed and distant ever since school ended. Summer school is supposed to start after the 5th. Dad said he made plans on the 5th. I don't trust that he also said that it involves me. Dad is just..not a good person. He's one of the reasons why I almost killed myself honestly.

As I got up and made myself breakfast I noticed that dad isn't home. I was confused why but I remembered that he went to Las Vegas. Oh yeah, he's a gambler. Maybe he's gambling some money. That's why we got a lot of money Glitch! That annoying voice again. BD haunts me, he makes me insane. I've lost at least 80% of my humanity. It's like what my idol said, "Everyone's a killer if you push them far enough." Maybe I'm just crazy and BD doesn't exists. But then again, there's always a possibility. I mean it's possible because how else do I have a ghost in my closet? Ha, she's probably in my imagination as well. Everything lately has been hectic to be honest.

Hallucinations are all I see, I see colors. I see figures, I see things that no normal human sees. The days keep getting harder and harder every time I try. I try to do my daily routines but these damn hallucinations are killing me.

I go to sleep just to see BD's real figure just standing right there next to my bed. I will never forget those bright red eyes, that evil grin, just everything about him scares me.

July 1st

My thinking and talking are all messy, it's not good. BD took 5% of my humanity from me. He tells me that he will reveal himself to me on the 5th. It's always on the 5th, everything. Dad has plans on the 5th, BD will show himself, my friends are coming over, everything is just on the 5th.

As the day goes on I just talk to my online friend Darcy. We chat and chat for hours. They're like the right person for me. Our conversation is just full of drawings and our OCS. After a while they had to go, we said our goodbyes and after that I couldn't stop thinking about them.

3 hours later

Dad still isn't back, I wonder if he's ever going to return.

The next day. July 2nd

Dad still isn't back. It's not like him being out to Las Vegas for this long. He's most likely driving back by now. If not then I guess I'm alone with BD. In fact, I haven't talked to him in a while. So I started talking to him.
BD? You there? GLITCHYY I MISSED YOU! No you didn't you sarcastic bitch. Oh Glitch, such a buzz kill. I'm not Sarcastic, the only one here that's sarcastic is you with your attitude. Well shiver me Timbers I never KnEw. Oh give me a break, you're just talking to me because you're lonely. If you're so lonely just talk to your little toys you call friends. Oh wait, I guess I'm one of your little toys then! Hmm what a shame. BD you're not a toy, if anything I'm the toy and you're the puppet master. You control my dreams and hallucinations. What's next? You're gonna control what I say? Glitch I do all sorts of things but I can't do that. Then what can you do? Oh until the 5th I'll show you all that I can do.

And just like that he doesn't talk anymore. How he talks makes me...feel weird. It's weird because his voice is distorted. Like a broken mix tape.

I wait and wait for dad to come back. He's not back yet. I bet he's going to be here until the 4th.

July 4th

Dad's back but he seems....different. He's acting weird. He's acting more...dangerous. I see him making his guns shiny and putting bullets in it. I used one of his guns for my practice when he was gone. I think he can tell who touched his guns or it's been used. As I peaked through his gun collection room he noticed me. I quickly moved away from the door frame and ran upstairs into my room. I closed the door scared out of my mind. As minutes pass by I hear the front door open and close. I think he left. Just as I was about to think of something else BD said, I checked and yes he's gone how....how the fuck? I questioned him but he didn't answer.

For some reason I felt..like cutting something. Not my arms or legs this time but something else. I grabbed some scissors and headed straight to the bathroom. I locked myself in there and looked straight into the mirror. I don't know what came over me but I start cutting my hair.

Cut, cut, cut. Snip, snip, snip. Hair falling down on the sink and floor. My long hair now short. It's short like Max's. Once I was done I looked into the mirror and start crying. I was full of sadness but relief at the same time. Sad because I know damn well Dad will beat my ass once he gets home and finds out his own daughter cut her hair without his permission. Relief because mom always told me to keep it long even though I never wanted it long. It felt like a weight got lifted off of my head.

I cleaned my mess up and went back to my room upstairs. Night came rather quickly. I opened my window and safely go onto the roof. I sat on the roof and watch the fireworks. It's beautiful watching the fireworks burst into a million pieces like blood squirting out of a body. I've always like fire, it's soothing.

July 5th

It's 3:00pm, I hear dad come into my room. "Hey Ale...wanna see your little gift?..." Dad said with evil in his tone of voice. I didn't like this little 'gift' he was going to show me. I backed up as he got closer and closer. He whipped out a knife. "I KNEW IT," I yelled. I started to run to the door but he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me to him. He made a scar on my neck. He made another one on the neck as well. I was crying so badly. The pain was endless. He threw me to the wall and I hit my head. I was crying even more now. I heard a gun reload. I looked up and see dad holding a gun to me. He aims it at my chest. I was paralyzed, I couldn't move. "See ya in Hell Alessandra." He says. He pulls the trigger and then.

Black. All I saw was, black.

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