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TW// slight swearing

[McQuaid's POV]

Rumors about Emaline's particularly "queer" habits had made their rounds. The entire school at this point knew. At least I didn't have to be burdened with a secret. She claimed to be "bisexual". Who she was dating was anyone's guess. Except I knew. And Luke knew.
Luke and Kate had made up after the movie premiere. She started to sit with us again. My unrequited crush's girlfriend. Great.

"Hello everyone." I grumbled. I hadn't meant to but it came out that way.
"Hey." Luke grinned.
"Hey guys!" Tyler eagerly said.

Kate hadn't arrived yet. One of the jocks walked over. He landed behind my seat. I could feel his hand rest on the back of my chair. I flinched when he put it there.

"Hey! Party at my place tonight!" He turned and announced to the entire cafeteria.

To absolutely no ones surprise, Emaline announced she would be there as well. Maybe I should go then...

Tyler broke the silence.

"Ooooo party..."
"Huh?" Kate said as she settled into her seat.
"Oh uh there's a party at Jonathan's house tonight."

[Tyler's POV]

Hmm. A party he said? Interesting... I still had a bunch of reading work I had to do. But maybe taking a break would make me more productive. I settled on going.

[Flash forward 6-7 hours]

[McQuaid's POV]

I got ready for the party. I needed a scheme to win Emaline. I thought of a plan while I brushed through my long black hair. I wore a black button up with a red tie, and black pants. I had never been to a party, and I had NO idea how to dress. I tucked in my shirt, smoothing it under my pants. I did up my tie efficiently.

Tyler rang the door bell. I unlatched the lock on the door. He practically busted through the door as soon as I did that. We walked to our room. He didn't come here often, but he came here enough that he knew where my room was.

"Wow a Friday night party!" Tyler was so excited he was glowing.
"Yeah... haha." I tried laughing off my uncertainty about this situation. It clearly didn't work. I was still thinking hard of a plan.

He plopped down on my bed. The combination of his bright Hawaiian shirt and baggy jeans made me jealous. I wished I had a good fashion sense. Then, an idea came.

"Bingo!" I blurted out.
"I needed a plan to win back Emaline. I finally have a plan!"
"Well... what is it?"

I explained my plan. He looked concerned and bewildered.

"I... don't think that's going to work... I mean she was never yours to begin with."
"Of course she was. Anyways I calculated the chances of this plan and it's very probable that it'll work out."
"How probable?" He questioned.
"What about the other 7%?"
"Well, it's better to be embarrassed than to not try at all."
"Okay..." He mumbled.

He stood up, walked over to the mirror, and fiddled with the front part of his shirt--- the tucked part ---and messed with his hair. Shifting my weight to my feet, I stood upright before making my way over to the door.

"Well, I suppose we should head over."
"Yeah." He agreed.

We walked outside and started making our way West. It was starting to get slightly warmer about this time of year. It was still early in March, so the air had a slight nip of cold. We had walked a couple blocks when we started hearing music blasting from the house. We only had 3 blocks to go before we got there. Each step brought louder and louder music until it was almost deafening. Almost everyone from school was there. The nervous nerds, the confident jocks, the hyper cheerleaders. I knew that Emaline had to be there somewhere.

Tyler headed to the kitchen and I started searching for her. I searched the first floor-- no Emaline. I searched the second floor-- still no Emaline. I figured she had to be in the backyard. There were a bunch of people out there. There were probably about 50 people standing around, sitting, swimming, or singing karaoke. The way the backyard was set up, there was a large pool, a karaoke machine off to the side, and a ledge surrounding the perimeter of the backyard. Behind that, there was a forest of trees and animals.

I glanced over to the pool. Emaline was standing, watching the trees. She looked like a goddess, or maybe a siren. Her blonde hair laced the top of the water and looked green from the chlorine. She was wearing the bathing suit that she wore on the field trip. I started making my way to the edge of the pool.

[Emaline's POV]

The trees look so mysterious tonight. My clothing sits at the edge of the pool in a clump. Everything is stressful these days. I wish I could be a tree. I would have such a simple life. At least at this party I could try to let go. Everyone deserves a break anyways, right? I think so.

I turn around to see McQuaid walking towards the edge of the pool closest to me. I swim my way to him. He is clearly too dressed for the party. What a nerd.

He rolls his pant legs up and takes his shoes off. He put his legs in the water.

"Heyyy McQuaid..."
"Hello Emaline."

We small talked for a bit. We talked mostly about how the music is way too loud and how we would definitely be deaf after this. Then he got up, put his shoes on and rolled down his pant legs. They stuck to his wet skin.

"Ok.. umm I'll be right back. Stay here."

That's an odd request, but I might as well comply. He is shuffling over to the karaoke machine. He steals a mic, causing a small uproar from the group standing around it. He steps up on the ledge. Easily 2 feet off the ground. He's making eye contact when he says..

"Emaline, I really like you. I want to ask you out... like on a date."

I'm freezing up. I have no idea what's going on. I'm dating Kate. I can't say yes and I don't want to. Before I realize I'm doing it, I'm shaking my head "no". My head is separated from my actions in this moment. Everyone is seeing this event. He returns the mic before heading over to me.

"What the hell Emaline? You flirt with me in the woods and during the field trip. You said I was a good kisser. You did that and then made out with Kate. You flirted with me tonight too. You've been leading me on."
"Wait how do you know ab-"
"I saw you and Kate. After the premiere in the auditorium."
"You know what? I wasn't flirting with you. When I said you were a good kisser, I was just being nice. Fuck you McQuaid."

I am hotheaded sometimes, and don't make the best decisions, but I didn't regret saying that. It was harsh, but true.

I got out of the pool and put my clothes on. They stuck to me, but I didn't care. I grabbed a light beer to take on the way home. I sipped it and thought. McQuaid is certainly going to out Kate and our relationship. I should warn her about this. I'll call her when I get home.

Everything Sucks! ContinuationWhere stories live. Discover now