"Lukem Nukem"

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[Luke's POV]

I had thought more about my dad and what he said that night. The night of the premiere I mean. I think I do want to have a relationship with him. I decided to call the number he gave my mom. I rang the phone up. It was super nerve wracking. He didn't pick it up for a while. By the time he picked up, I had almost given up on calling him. I didn't really know what to say. I didn't know what he was like at all.

"Oh... hey little man!"
"So uh what'd ya call for?"
"Oh um. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go to the Crouton Factory?"
"Sure. How about tomorrow night?"
"Yeah. I mean I'll have to ask my mom, but that sounds good."
"Ok champ. Well I have to go so..."
"Ok bye Dad."

He hung up the phone. Putting the phone back on the receiver, I thought about how I had to ask my mom for permission. She was over with Ken this afternoon. It would be awkward to interrupt their "date" with me asking about my dad. I would just have to wait until my mom got home. I walked over to the couch and sat. Turning on Star Wars, I then sat watching until my mom came home. After she sat her stuff down, I decided to ask her.

"Hey so I-I called my Dad and I want to go with him to the Crouton Factory tomorrow night. Is that okay?"
"Hmm? Uh yeah sure. Do you need me to drive you there?"
"Yeah that would be great!"

[Sherry's POV]

When Luke asked me, I was a bit caught off guard. I thought he wouldn't want to ~ever~ meet up with his dad. I am a bit worried for him though; Leroy has left before and I wouldn't put it past him to do it again. Plus, Luke hasn't seemed to really consider this fully. I just want my son to have a food father figure. He deserves it. I wish he would try to get to know Ken instead of Leroy.

[Kate's POV]

After Sherry left, I had time to process what Emaline told me when she called me last night. She told me everything about what happened: how McQuaid was, frankly, a total dick. He knew we were dating but still asked her out. He had no respect for our relationship and no respect for the fact that I now had to come out. I had to come out to my dad, or someone would do it for me. Rumors spread FAST. I decided to write what I wanted to say on a piece of paper. I deliberated about how to start and how to break it to him. I took a piece of pink lined paper and a black pen and started going to town. I wrote a quick introduction and followed it with how I'm a lesbian. I tried to write it in a way that was easy to digest. I finished my note. It ended up being about 2 1/2 paragraphs long. I went for a short and sweet approach. I folded it. Once top to bottom, then once left to right. I smoothed out my shirt in the mirror before opening my door, walking into the hallway, and down the stairs. My dad sat at the table watching TV.

Forcing myself to speak, I said, "D-Dad?"

[Luke's POV]

I decided to plan out my outfit in order to lessen my worries. If I had a great outfit, it would be one less thing to have to figure out and deal with. I sat out a blue shirt, a button down with a black and white pattern, and cargo shorts. I wanted to give a good impression. You only get one and I haven't seen my dad in YEARS besides in Blockbuster. I wanted to make myself busy so I didn't have to think about meeting my dad. I made my bed. I cleaned the rest of my room and started reading a book before dinner was ready.

[Leroy's POV]

I really fucking up with Luke 8 years ago. I HAVE to make it up to him. I have to be there for him. I was a stupid kid; I ran off to achieve my own dreams but at what price. I planned out what I was going to say and wear tomorrow. I wondered if Luke was as nervous as I am.

[Kate's POV]


"What sweetie?"

I gave him to note and then sat down across from him. The moments that passed felt like a century. He must have read and re-read the note about a dozen times. He opened his mouth but then closed it again. He looked intensely at the note before speaking again.
"I-um I don't really know how to talk about it..."
"Yeah." I cut him off.
"...but I love you. I hope you know that." He finished.
"I love you too, Dad. Also me and a... Emaline and I are dating."
"Oh!" He looked surprised, but happy.

I walked upstairs and went to my room. That was such a weird and awkward coming out. I drowned my ears-- and thoughts --into Tori Amos. On the call yesterday, Emaline and I agreed on walking into school together. We would be outed as a couple anyways. Probably. Most likely, though.

[Luke's POV]

[Flash forward 24 hours]

Mom and I quietly sat as she drove. It was very awkward and she was clearly not enthusiastic about it. Once we arrived, I adjusted my button up and got out.

"I'll pick you up at 7:00. You have 1 1/2 hours, okay?"
"Got it. Thanks Mom."

I got out of the car and I walked up to the restaurant door. A lady in a white dress opened the door, and I thanked her. I walked up to the counter where a waitress was standing.

I asked, "Is anyone named Leroy here?"
"Hey Lukem-nukem!" My dad waved two booths down.

I sat across from him. We just kinda sat there until the waitress came around to ask about drinks.

"Get anything you want, Luke."
"Okay... can I have a shirley temple please?"
"Yeah sure." The waitress quickly jotted it down.
"Can I get a coke please?"
"Yes sir."
"Thank you."

The waitress left to get our drinks.

"Hey Luke?"
"I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have left you and your mom. It was wrong of me. I want to be in your life. I want to be a dad that is there for his kid. And I will work hard to build our relationship if you want."
"Ohh.. then why'd you leave?"
"I uhh. I wanted to make movies. Like big movies."
"Oh. I made a movie." I grinned.
He cocked his head, "Really?"
"Yeah I'll have to show you at some point. We were filming it in California. That's why I could go to see you."
"Ohhh that makes sense. I was confused when I saw the bus that said 'Boring High School'" He gestured.
"Haha yeah Kate drove me to your store."
"Oooooo Kaaaaatttee," He joked, "Who's Kate?"
"She- we dated a while ago."
"So she's a heartbreaker?" He teased.
"Ermm no not really. We just didn't work out."
"Any other girls?"
"No not yet.."

The waitress cane back with our drinks and we went ahead and ordered our meals. He got a salad and I got chicken tenders and fries. Once the waitress left, we quickly changed the subject from school to my mom.

"So is she seeing anyone?"
"Yeah. She's dating Ken."
"Ken?" He questioned. (scroll down for a joke)
"Kate's dad."
"Oooooh that must suck."
"Ehh it's fine."
"Is that why you two broke up?"
"No.." I kinda trailed off.
"We dated and then we fake dated and then she left me for someone else. It's not really anyone's fault."

The waitress cane back with our food and we ate. We talked about sports and movies for about 20 minutes before the waitress gave us the check. My dad paid for it and by that point my mom's car was waiting outside.


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