Primrose Empath

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[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue is there. She is trying to move a fork using her power but it's not moving. Phoebe comes in.]

Phoebe: Look at me. I am a fashion blunder. A mademoiselle don't. Oh my god, you lost your powers?

Prue: Can't lose what you never had.

(Prue astral projects out of the room.)

Phoebe: I hate when she plays astral games. Marco.

Prue: (from the attic) Polo.

[Cut to the attic. Prue is sitting in a chair reading a book on telekinesis. Phoebe walks in.]

Phoebe: What were you doing down there?

Prue: Practicing. Trying to use telekinesis in astral mode.

Phoebe: Hmm, witch exercises. Since when?

Prue: Since I studied up on Belthazor. The triad couldn't have sent us a worse demon.

Phoebe: Or one with worse skin. I would hate to find myself alone with this guy.

Prue: Yeah, well, you wouldn't last long. None of us would. That's why I'm trying to teach my astral self how to fight.

(Phoebe flops down into a chair.)

Phoebe: I have a date with Cole.

Prue: You say that like it's a bad thing.

Phoebe: It's a lunch date.

Prue: So?

Phoebe: So, it's not a good sign. Lunch is a cheap imitation of dinner. That's why it has its own special menu. And, you know, we kissed last week. We should be onto dinner and candlelight by now.

Prue: Well, may—ohh!

(She holds her hand against her jaw.)

Phoebe: I can't believe you haven't taken care of that tooth.

Prue: Yeah, well, I have a dentist appointment in an hour.

Phoebe: Good. I hate to see you so miserable.

Prue: Me too.

[Scene: Prue is driving in her car. She approaches road construction.]

Construction Worker: Stop right there please. (Prue stops her car. Cole appears near by.) Come ahead. (A bus drives past Prue's car. A "save the innocent" sign is painted on the side of it. An arrow lights up pointing left. Cole flicks his hand and it points to right.) That way.

(The construction worker points and Prue drives on to the right. Cole disappears.)

[Time lapse. Prue is in her car calling Phoebe from her cell phone.]

Phoebe: Hello?

Prue: Hey, did you cast any give me a sign spells lately?

Phoebe: No, why?

Prue: I don't know, it just seems like somebody's dropping signs right in front of me... literally.

Phoebe: Prue, you need to ignore the signs and get yourself into a dentist.

Prue: Yeah, I know.

(Prue approaches a construction worker holding a stop sign.)

Phoebe: Uh, hello, Prue?

Prue: Uh, I'll call you back.

(She hangs up. She notices "Final Stop" painted on a building.)

[Time lapse. Prue walks up to a construction worker.]

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