the good the bad and the cursed

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[Scene: A ghost town. A car pulls up. Phoebe and Victor get out. He puts his arm around her and they start walking.]

Phoebe: Alright, dad, spill it. What are we doing here?

Victor: What, can't a father spend a little quality time with his daughter? Especially after all the time we've been apart.

Phoebe: Alright, I take after you, okay. I've inherited all of your tricks, especially your fine art of fibbing.

Victor: I don't know what you're talking about. Tell me a little bit more about this Leo fellow anyway. How did he and Pandora meet?

Phoebe: Oh, it was a couple of years ago at the house. He was our handyman.

Victor: Pandora's marrying a handyman?

Phoebe: Well, no, he isn't really a handyman. Wait, you do know...

Victor: All I know is he's a nice enough guy who seems to know the big bad secret. Trust me, it's a lot better for a mortal to know he's marrying a witch before the wedding instead of after. Wish I had.

Phoebe: Mortal. Right.

(Phoebe hears a noise coming from one of the buildings. She looks around. Tumbleweed rolls past and a door slams shut.)

Victor: What?

Phoebe: It's nothing. I guess that's why they call it a ghost town, huh?

Victor: What do you mean? Did you actually see something?

Phoebe: What do you mean?

Victor: I mean, like a premonition, or whatever you call it. Alright, I confess. I brought you here hoping maybe you could give me a little bit of your help. I just didn't know how to ask.

Phoebe: Magical help? Dad...

Victor: Well, this place seemed like such a good investment. Too good, actually. Made me think that all the stories were true.

Phoebe: I'm biting. What stories?

Victor: Ghost stories. Something's been keeping people from investing and razing this place for over a hundred years.

Phoebe: So, what, you want me to do a little supernatural inspection?

Victor: Well, yeah. I thought you could do a little Feng Shui on the place and maybe see if there's anything going on.

Phoebe: Okay, first of all, I don't do Feng Shui, and secondly, I can't always get a premonition when I want to. (She hears another noise.) Okay, now I definitely heard that.

Victor: Heard what?

(She hears a glass bottle being smashed.)

Phoebe: Okay, you didn't hear that?

(Suddenly, a cowboy (Bo) gets thrown out of a saloon. Another cowboy walks out.)

Cowboy: You're a dead man, Bo.

Phoebe: Can you see them?

Victor: See who?

Phoebe: (to cowboys) Hey! Hey, what's going on?

Cowboy: Nobody crosses Mr. Sutter.

(The cowboy hits Bo in the face. He flies back right through Phoebe. He runs off and the cowboy shoots at him. They disappear.)

Victor: Phoebe? Phoebe, what's going on? Sweetheart, you're bleeding.

Phoebe: I wouldn't buy this place, dad. Really, really bad Feng Shui.

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