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[Scene: Manor. Bathroom. Pandora and Leo are in the shower. They are giggling.]

Pandora: See, we finally found a place where we can be alone.

Leo: Yeah, this is perfect. Now all we have to do is move all our stuff in here and nobody will bother us.

Pandora: Yeah.

(They kiss. There's a knock at the door and Phoebe walks in covering her eyes.)

Phoebe: I'm not looking at anything and I do not see anything. No one's looking, no one's looking at anything. (She peeks through the gap between her fingers.) I just need to get my gloss.

Pandora: Phoebe!

Phoebe: I'm sorry, were you guys in the middle of the... ew!

Pandora: No, not yet. Phoebe, would you just get out of here!

(Phoebe gets her gloss out of a drawer.)

Phoebe: Found it. Okay, I'm going now. Outta here. Found the gloss.

(She heads towards the door.)

Pandora: Watch out for the...

(Phoebe runs into the wall.)

Phoebe: Ooh! Ow, I'm okay.

(She leaves.)

[Time lapse. Pandora's room. Pandora and Leo are in their robes. Prue walks in.]

Prue: Hey, you guys.

Pandora: Heya, Prue, are you lost?

Prue: Uh, no, but my keys are. Have you seen them?

Pandora: No, have you seen the way out?

Prue: Uh, I-I-I knocked didn't I?

Pandora: But you didn't wait for an answer.

Prue: Oh, right, god, I'm really sorry. Look at me. Look at me, I'm leaving, I'm leaving.

Pandora: Yes. (Prue leaves.)

Leo: Well, we knew what we were getting into.

Pandora: So maybe it's time we get out of it.

Leo: What do you mean?

Pandora: Okay, once upon a time before we were witchy women, Prue Piper and I shared this amazing apartment in North Beach. But then when Grams got sick, we decided to move back to the manor for a while, and we gave up the apartment to friends and your wife was smart enough to keep in touch with them.

Leo: Should I be taking notes?

Pandora: They're moving out. They're moving out and they will give us first shot at taking over the lease.

Leo: Whoa. Are you sure we can?

Pandora: Well, the rent's a little steep but...

Leo: No, no, no, I mean, the bigger are you sure we can. You guys didn't get your powers until you all moved back in together. There might be some supernatural ramifications to living apart.

Pandora: Okay, but what about the marital ramifications to living together? I mean, Leo, everything we do is about navigating our charmed lives. I mean, when do we get to concentrate on our married life? Maybe this apartment falling into our laps is a sign. A sign that it's time to move out of the manor and in together. (They kiss.) What do you think the odds are of pulling this off before the next demon attacks?

[Scene: Manor. Kitchen. Prue, Pandora, Piper, Phoebe and Leo are sitting around the table. Prue, Phoebe and Leo are reading the different sections out of the newspaper. Piper's just sitting there.]

charmed power of four season 3Where stories live. Discover now