death takes a halliwell

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[Scene: At a beach. Prue Piper and Phoebe are there. Prue is taking photos. Phoebe is building a sand castle.]

Phoebe: I hereby proclaim this power of sand Kingdom Phoebeville! Yay!

(The waves splash on Prue. Phoebe laughs.)

Prue: You know, I don't get it.

(Prue walks off. Phoebe catches up with her.)

Piper: Wait, what don't you get?

Prue: That you just spent an hour of your life building something that is just gonna be completely, completely destroyed and disappear in about five seconds flat.

Phoebe: Ahh, but Phoebeville will live forever in the hearts of the villagers who come to love it.

Prue: Mm-hmm.

Phoebe: What's with the ba-hum castle attitude there?

Prue: What?

Piper: The whole point of today was to relax and have fun.

Prue: See, and I thought the point was to give Pandora and Leo some alone married people time since they decided to wait on their honeymoon.

Phoebe: Okay. So you're sure nothing's wrong?

Prue: You know, the beach isn't exactly my idea of a good time.

Phoebe: Prue, how is that possible?

Prue: Okay, well, you're too young to remember, but this is where Grams brought us after Mum's funeral to try and cheer us up.

Piper: Oh, wow.

Prue: Yeah. You know, but I know that you love the beach and I didn't wanna ruin it for you but something about the sand and the ocean makes me feel angry.

Phoebe: Why does it make you angry?

Prue: Doesn't Mums death make you angry?

Phoebe: It makes us sad.

Prue: Well, I don't really do sad that well, you know. I didn't even cry at her funeral.

Piper: So seeing Mum at Pandora's wedding and now the beach...

Prue: Yeah. So I'm sorry if I've been a little cranky.

Phoebe: Say no more. (yelling) Princess Prue has spoken! By the orders of the Queen, that's me...

Prue: Ooh, I got that part.

Phoebe: Phoebeville, and all of its glory will be abandoned for greater pastures and two lattes.

Prue: Oh, all hail the Queen.

Phoebe: Yay, I love to be hailed.

(A woman is standing nearby taking photos of Prue. Prue sees her and sees a black shadow floating beside her. She takes a photo of it.)

Prue: Hey! (The woman runs off.) No, no, no, wait!

Piper: You okay?

Prue: Oh, there was this woman and there was a shadow next to her. It had to be demonic.

Phoebe: A shadow? Like, what do you mean? Like a Woogy?

Prue: No, spookier, way spookier. I think I got pictures though.

Phoebe: So much for the lattes. Looks like there's a new demon in town.

[Scene: Cole's old apartment. Two demons and a landlady are there. One demon floats across the room.]

Landlady: So, you're new in town?

Demon#1: Yes.

Landlady: And-and you would both be living here?

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