Father's day special

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A/n: Since I don't have any Doctor who or Sherlock themed memes saved on my phone, enjoy this drawing I did of gender fluid Loki. Happy Father's Day!

Solais could still remember the first time she met the Doctor officially as Courtney Moriarty. It had been his 11th regeneration, complete with his off-center fez and bow tie. Some of the details had blurred over the past 200 years as new memories had flooded in.

It was a sunny afternoon on a Sunday. While her adopted brothers played in the sand, Courtney had opted to sit on the bench and read. The Doctor, in all his tweed glory, had knelt in front of her. "Hello there! What are you reading?"

The little girl eyed him suspiciously before relaxing slightly. "The Clock That Went Backwards by Edward Page Mitchell."

Most adults would have protested that an eight-year-old was far too young to understand a book about time travel that was published in 1881, but the Doctor was certainly not most adults. He didn't even seem to question where she had found a book that contained a decent copy of the short story. Instead, he beamed brightly at her. "Great choice! I always thought it was a bit, well, jumpy, but I suppose it can't be helped."

Courtney's eyes narrowed slightly. It was quite obvious that he recognized her, but how? She'd never seen him before to the best of her knowledge. "Sorry, how do you know me exactly?"

She was rather articulate for an eight-year-old, but that might have had something to do with her actually being 16 in a kid's body. "Oh! I'm a friend of your Mum's, just a work friend, really."

Of course, this was the Doctor we are talking about here, so of course, the interaction ended with fighting aliens. It wouldn't be the last time he checked in on her. Sometimes he was alone and other times he was accompanied by two women [one with curly hair that went by the name of River Song. The other was a Chinese woman who always wore a floral jumpsuit who went by the Professor.

The last time she saw the 11th Doctor as Courtney, he told her he would be different when he came back. He had given her mere vagueries, but she knew what he had meant. He was dying, or he thought he would be killed soon. It was all but implied.

Needless to say, when she ran into the 9th Doctor after he 'kidnapped' Rose Tyler, her initial instinct was to slap him. Hard. It only took her a couple of seconds to realize he was younger and that everything had yet to happen to him. He assumed it was because of the Rose situation, and Courtney had never corrected him. As River would have said, telling the Doctor about his future self would've been 'spoilers'.

It was easy to tell when he had just come back from visiting a younger her. Despite the fact that he still had the expression of a happy puppy, his ancient eyes seemed sadder somehow. To cheer him up, the two time ladies took him on family 'vacations' [technically, everyday is a vacation when you can travel all of time and space.]

"Ah, here we go! You can open your eyes now Dad."

"We haven't landed yet. The Tardis hasn't made the wheezing noises yet!" To demonstrate, the Doctor made rather loud and obnoxious wheezing noises and the console let out an annoyed hum.

Solais rolled her eyes. "Yes, we have. I turned the brakes off. Now come on then. Mum's already fetched Rory and Amy. We'll be late!"

His hands flew off his face in a flash. "Your mum's in on this?" He eyed her almost suspiciously as he walked over to Solais and only stopped when he was broaching uncomfortably close. "What are you two hiding, hmm?"

The Irish woman's cherry red lips pulled back into a smile. "You'll never know unless you go out that door."

His hands betrayed his thoughts — as they always tended to do with this face — before he smiled widely. "I suppose you're right. Come on then, we mustn't be late!"

He bounded excitedly for the door and it swung open with ease. His smile grew as he saw where they were. "Asgard! How wonderful!"

"Doctor!" His head snapped towards the Scottish accent calling his name.

"Amy!" He ran over to her like a drunken giraffe and engulfed her in a hug. "And Rory the Roman!"

"Hi Doctor."

River scoffed. "What are we, chopped liver?"

Julia 'the Professor' sighed jokingly in response. "Must be." She was no longer the blue eyed ginger Courtney Moriarty had met long ago. Instead, she was the Asian woman she had once known as the Professor. Julia was shorter and her face was rounder. She no longer wore her nerdy t-shirts. Her hair was in a French braid and eyeliner and coral colored lipstick.

The Doctor simply smiled at his wives and kissed both of their foreheads. "Hello sweeties."

Solais smiled at her dad. "Happy Father's Day. Now, let's eat!"

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