Irene Adler (edited)

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Slowly I force myself to open my eyes. It took longer than it should have for me to notice I was using Sherlock's bare chest as a pillow. I look up at him and chuckle.

"You know, it'll take a lot more than closing your eyes to fool me. " I murmur. 

Sherlock's eyes open and meet mine. "Morning. I had... fun last night.''

"Me too. Unfortunately, I'm supposed to meet up with... someone I know. See you later." I reply before kissing his lips and heading to the bathroom.

---------------------------------------------------time skip-----------------------------------------------------------------

I swagger into Irene's house, a black dress draped over my arm.  I walk past Joh, using sign language to say 'your welcome.' 

''Irene, sweetie, I got you a new dress. Why don't you try it on? " I exclaim as I toss her the dress. (a/n:See dress above.) Begrudgingly, Irene put on the dress.

I plop down on the couch and rest my head on Sherlock's shoulder. I highly doubt Sherlock is getting his coat back.

"John, guard the door. Don't let anyone in." I say turning my gaze to John who was awkwardly standing in the corner. He gives me a thankful look before leaving the room.

"Two men alone in the countryside, several yards apart and one car." Sherlock starts.

"Oh. I-I thought you were looking for the phone now." Irene exclaims.

"Looking takes to long. We want you to think. Brainy is the new sexy." I answer.

"Quite so, Courtney dear. The car's going to backfire. There's going to be a loud noise. " Sherlock explains.

"So? That doesn't tell you anything." Irene claims.

"Wrong! Sounds are so very important."  I argue. As if on cue, the fire alarm goes off and my head whips towards Sherlock.

"On hearing a smoke alarm, a mother would look towards her child. Amazing how fire exposes our priorities. I really hope you don't have a baby in here." sasses Sherlock.

"Hands behind your head, on the floor, keep it still! " A man demands, three other men in pursuit. "We want you to open the case. We've been listening sir. We know she told you the code."

"Well, if you've been listening, you would know she didn't." Sherlock insists.

"On the count of three, shoot Ms. Moriarty."He demands and I kneel down and start laughing. I could see the confusion on everyone's faces, even Sherlock's.

"Like you could hurt me without starting a war. Let me tell you something about my brother. Yes, he's insane. And yes, you'll wish you were dead by the time he's done with you." I snarl.

"Is that a threat Ms. Moriarty?'' He says with a raised eyebrow.

I turn and kick the gun out of Mr. Archer's hand; using it to knock Archer out. "No. I hate being cliche, I really do, but it's a promise."

"Vatican cameos!" I heard Sherlock say as he opened the case. I threw the gun, wich hit the blue eyed guy in the face; knocking him out. (a/n: I don't know his name. He was the guy who appeared in charge. )

"Did I ever mention I find you hot when you act dangerous?'' Sherlock questions with a smirk.

"It's not an act. I am dangerous. And I don't believe you have, Mr. Holmes." I mock scold him before softly pressing my lips on his. I slowly pull away after a few seconds, a hand softly tracing his jawline as I walk away mouthing 'later'.

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