Goodbye Egypt, Hello John Watson

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The whirring of two sonic screwdrivers broke through the dead of night, followed shortly by screeching metal of the door I found opening. It wasn't a proper earth door. It wasn't a push or a pull. It was a raise type of door, like a garage put into camouflage door. I promise this makes sense in my head, ok?

"Ladies first. Or is that unacceptable because this is dangerous?" I let out an amused snort as the Doctor attempted to please Julia. Though I suppose I should stop calling them that. For all I know, they could be my parents.

Julia answered with a smirk as she walked past him. I just patted his shoulder and walked past him. The Doctor ran a hand through his fluffed up brown hair and followed us down the rabbit hole.

Julia was already scanning everything insight and I was looking for something to help us and the Queen escape. And the Doctor? Well, I think he was trying to not get his trench coat dirty.

A muffled thump came from a distant corner of the room. Motioning for them to follow, I went towards the thump. And there she was. Cleopatra the 2nd in all her glory. I could see how people can mistake me for her. She looked like a really tan version of me without the freckles. Julia motioned at me to get her out as the sounds of shots being fired came from towards the entrance. And so I did.

The King wanted to throw a huge feast in our honor. In the end, I managed to end up outside, alone. The sound of sand crunching behind me signalled Julia's arrival.

Now here comes the question I've been avoiding. The one I've been dreading. The one I ran away from in the beginning.


The screams of Daleks echoed over the Gallifreyan soil. Quietly, a black haired woman ushered her child inside a blue police box. The child had sandy brown hair and her mother's brown eyes. She could not have been older than 10.

The woman glanced over her shoulder before turning back to her only child, tears forming in her eyes. "O..okay, I need you to be brave for me Solais." A name so ancient it was nearly forgotten in the young mind of the time lady. Solais. Light.

"Why? Mom, what's going on? I can help!" The older woman let out a chuckle.

"Not this time, my little lightbringer. I'm sorry." The woman's shaking hands softly placed themselves on either side of her child's face as golden light started to surround both of them. After a powerful burst of light, the woman was holding a sleeping child, no older than two.

The woman and the child disappeared into the night, one now human and the other having lost it all.

End flashback:

"Julia, there's something I've been meaning to ask you. That night during the time war, where you rushed me into the Tardis and forced me to regenerate and become human... did you keep track of me? I mean, you are Mom, right?" My eyes closed as I waited for her answer.

"Solais? I...can I show you what happened?" I nod softly as her soft fingers reach out towards my temples. I close my eyes as her fingertips connect to my face.

Suddenly, I was back in the Tardis, holding a child. I gently make it so I am caring her with my left arm so I could pilot the Tardis. I step outside. Earth. England. 1991. Yes, this should do nicely. My fingers brush the tuffs of black hair from the child's face. "I'm sorry, Solais. I need to go back and help your Daddy."

Those words weren't mine. No, I was the child. Gently I was placed in the basket with an old watch. A note was placed on top of me. I was placed in front of a doorstep. A familiar looking woman and man answer the door, look both ways, and take the

Opening my eyes I hugged the red head in my arms. "M-mom. Can I call you that? I continue to call you Julia?"

"Whatever works best sweetie." I let out another sob as the Doctor walks up to us with a confused look.

"Where to next?"

"John Watson. I think I have some explaining to do."

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