Meet Sherlock

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Courtney couldn't help but notice the two boys sitting on the bench while everyone else played. She could tell by the way they scanned the other children that they were incredibly observant. 

Both boys seemed to be used to being alone. And it most certainly wouldn't take a genius to observe that they were clearly brothers. The eldest of the two brothers appeared to be around eighteen. Next year he would most likely be off to college.

 The younger one appeared to be 11, even if he was quite tall for his age. Both boys seemed incredibly bored and undetached. (a/n: I unfortunately can't deduce people even tho I tried. I'm making this up as I go.)

  --------------------------------------------------- time skip -------------------------------------------------------------- 

Courtney's dad works with the police force. When a case appears interesting enough, Courtney would tag along. She knew everyone at the police force by name.

Courtney bent down carefully to examine the body. The man appeared to be in his mid-forties. He was married, but was clearly having an affair with someone else. That 'someone else' had a cat and two dogs, seeing as the man didn't have any pets.

"Hey Courtney, a young man is waiting for you outside. He claims to be your friend." Liam exclaimed. 

"Be more specific. This 'young man' could literally be anyone." Courtney says. Especially since I don't have friends... Courtney thought to herself as she stood up.

"A handsome young lad with curly hair." Liam replied. 

Courtney slid down the railing of the staircase and opened the front door. Carefully Courtney closed the door behind her and without turning around, she says, "You must be desperate if you had to lie about being my friend."

Courtney turns around to see the younger of the boys from earlier. He seemed mildly irritated and just as bored as before. 

"I don't believe we've had the pleasure to have have met." The curly haired boy said with fake politeness.  "My name is William Sherlock Holmes Scott, and you are?"

"William Sherlock Holmes Scott. " Courtney repeats. ''Well, that's a bit of a mouthful, don't you think? I can see you being a Sherlock, but William is a little far fetched, no offense."

" I'm Courtney Moriarty, but you're not here to meet me, are you? You're here to investigate the murder. Don't be surprised that I know. It was quite obvious you are smart, and therefore bored beyond anything imaginable. You want to see if you can solve the case, am I correct?" Courtney blurts out, pausing to make sure she is correct.

" Yes, you are correct." Sherlock replies. " So you are like me." 

"Don't be so surprised. We're not the only ones you know. Granted, people like us are rare but we aren't freaks. We are just...unique. Oh, and next time you want to be involved in a case, just ask. But I warn you, don't get in my way." Courtney announces, finishing off her mini rant.

"I wouldn't dream of it." Sherlock says, a small smirk present on his face.

"Good, because if you do I'll be your downfall. Fancy being  acquaintances? " Questions Courtney as she holds out her right hand. 

" Acquaintances it is. I don't want you getting in my way either." Sherlock agrees as he shakes her hand. And that my friends is where our glorious story begins.


A/N: School starts tomorrow for me. I will try to update as consistently as possible, but I can't promise anything. 

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