Chapter 1

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"Haaa, I don't even know how old i am anymore."

A man sighed as he got out of the medieval looking ship. This man is (Y/N) Brando,a powerful vampire. He has been living for a long time maybe hundreds?Or Thousands of years? He forgot.

Once he stepped on the pier he looked around and many things such as beautiful houses and countless people. He decided to look around the city to find a place to stay as he just wants to lay in a bed and go to sleep.

He then found a good inn to stay at and decided to get a room there but before he could get close to the inn he bumped into someone.

"A-Ah!..... Owwiee that hurts you know?" a voice said.

(Y/N) looked down and saw a cute girl with red hair and a ribbon. She also wears a beautiful black dress with red ribbons on it. She was on the floor with a sword beside her.

(Y/N) helped the girl and picked up her sword before giving it back and apologized

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(Y/N) helped the girl and picked up her sword before giving it back and apologized.

"Im sorry, are you alright?"

"No worries! Im fine!!"

The girl was very energetic and her eyes were closed while grinning. (Y/N) found it very precious before apologizing again.

"Again i apologize but i must go now. See you later."

"Wai-!!! E-Eh?? where did he go???" the girl was confused and didn't notice that (Y/N) is already entered a inn.

"But i didn't even get to know his name....Oh well then i'll just ask when we meet again!" she says in her thoughts and decided to go home.

(Y/N) entered the inn and the receptionist greeted him.

"Hello welcome to Gold Experience inn!, How can i be of service?"

"Greetings, I'd like a room for 1 month meals included." (Y/N) says as he put 5 gold coins at the counter.

"Certainly sir!, Here is your key and your room is in the 2nd floor. Please enjoy your stay!" the receptionist bowed.

(Y/N) just nodded and made his way to his room, after he got in he dumped his belongings at the ground and laid on the bed as he remember the girl from earlier as he chuckled.

"Heh.... what a precious girl" That was his final words as he drifted off into his sleep.

Weeks later

(Y/N) was walking his way back to the inn at midnight as he just finished from work.

"Haaaa..... even normal kinds of job are tiring." he sighed as he remembered trying to find a job and ended up becoming a combat instructor at the same time a student at a knight academy. Tiring but the pay is worth it, he can just use his vast amounts of wealth but he didn't want to be destroying the economy plus his students are keeping him entertained. Especially a boy with extreme potential who's surname is Shirogane.

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